Krissy C

What are you talking about? Are you insane? So the next time someone says some more foolishness to me or just trifling, they deserve to be slapped? My Pops slapped me in the face when I was 16, 40 years ago and I still feel it. My crime? Skipping school. The result was a decades-long estrangement. I don’t know if you

Condoning or encouraging violence in response to words is a toxic trait. I do my best to never hang out with someone who does that, or allow them to influence me. Of course Will Smith is powerful and rich enough to resort to physical violence and not end up in jail. Unfortunately the people you are trying to influence

Exactly. He fell in love with whiteness in college and there’s no coming back.

I have no patience for negroes who insist on blaming those who are of their race and the same gender of the object of their desire for why they date white people of their preferred gender.