
There is so much stupid, in all parties involved in this incident, it is almost painful.

Not a Walther PP or PPK, the lines are wrong; the toy is based off of a Walther P-38.

I dislike the notion of ANYONE being able to access data about my car without my express approval. It is unfathomable to me why people seem to be racing to embrace the Internet of Things/Idiot Things topology, because of the loss of privacy and general security vulnerabilities.

I, back when I was able to, biked through this area. Its a wierd mix of residents who have lived there for decades, and rich assholes who moved there in the 1990s. Its the rich assholes from the 1990s who do stupid shit like complain about noise from the airport (that was there long before they were) and harass

Except that TIE fighters are smaller, yeah, the sounds are very similar. So, does that mean TIE’s use a W-12 engine?

All that is missing is Syd Mead’s signature.

Why wait that long?

Here’s a better idea; get rid of that ghodsawful shifter handle. My mom’s Chrysler 300 has one, and she utterly despises that terrible excuse for a gear shift, and I really do not blame her.

...stocked with nearly an hour of glammy techno that is 100% my new favorite writing music.

Guns are not the problem. Religion is. Guns are merely tools, things, and do not act of their own volition. That volition almost always comes from organized religion.

If you read Friedman’s history of US battleships, he spends some time dealing with this exact question, re: capital ships vs nuclear weapons. The Navy discovered that it was not so much the sheer armor that protected BB’s against overpressure and thermal shock, but the fact that carriers are built like shipping

Also, an excellent use of the portrait orientation.

Surprisingly, battleships can shrug off a lot of damage, carriers...not so well. However, the power projection ability of a carriers’ flight group far outweighs what a battleship can do, so thats what people went with.

Ok, it was CIG, then...

The UCI is an utterly corrupt and debased organization. They make Bernie Ecclestone or the the IOC look good in comparison.

I thought I was going to need to look up what a kenny chesly was, then I decided I really wasn’t that desperate to know.

If they put an M1 Garand into regular gameplay, it would be idiotic to not put in the ping the freshly ejected clip makes. There is no reason for a contemporary semiauto pistol to make a ping sound unless something was very wrong.

Quit blaming guns for this. The problem is not the tools that a terrorist uses, its the ideology, the toxic memes that they are infected with; it is the fault of his religiosity. Religion created the idea that it was acceptable it do what he did. Suppress these memeplexes, and leave alone the millions who do not go on

Compared with getting a noob 40-person raid team together, herding cats is trivial.