
C’mon, don’t you remember the parable of the Bad Samaritan??

Bonus points for getting the answer to WWJD 100% WRONG dipshit!

Why are you so mean? He couldn't stop he was busy drawing in the sand!

My thoughts exactly

“And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

I’m sure it’s very frustrating to them that he is blowing up their carefully constructed facade wherein they insinuate anti-women stuff but never actually say it out loud. He’s making it really hard for them to keep insisting that there is no war on women within the GOP.

He’s the core of GOP rhetoric given skin and bone.

He’s the bullhorn to their dog whistle.

Exactly. Well put. They don’t dislike him because of what he thinks, they hate that he verbalizes is so clearly.

Trump just loudly and openly says all the stuff the GOP has been quietly insinuating for years. That anyone is surprised by any of this is bizarre to me.

and to be told that it’s okay to be who he is.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. A rich white man lives in a bubble of privilege transitions into a rich white woman living in a bubble of privilege. Her awful opinions aren’t surprising.

She is just a Republican male on the inside.

You nailed it - she isn’t/won’t be affected by a single policy, cultural mentality or tradition that women are.

I don’t think it’s a question of intelligence; I think it’s one of caring. She will never need an abortion or social welfare benefits, so in her mind those issues are unimportant. It’s like when I hear about how tax plans affect people with a lot of investment income — that’s not me and it’s never going to be me, so