
Obvious its going to be Blops2. Lets get to the meat of the details. Treyarch is going to bring some game - changers, much like they did in Blops1, question is, what are those game changers?

Multiplayer: Please don't suck like you did in last years iteration.

"Edited by Un-Dead Kennedy at 03/28/12 2:33 PM"

I'm willing to bet it was him not being compensated for the amount of work and harassment he did / received.

Knowing Kotick and Activision, he was probably paid 40k a year to represent the massive CoD community and was being constantly harassed via the internet.

They're all shit!

COMCAST is the winner, no exceptions.

Blops 2 is not confirmed quite yet.

Chances we see Black Ops 2 or some other CoD title out this November? I'm guessing BlOps2 but I'm hoping for the latter.

Do you play on an ipad or an iphone? Or android? <- not sure if its on the android market... Anyways, my point is, I bet it would be really neat to play it on a tablet instead of my small iphone 4!

Just so you can get a bunch of colors for free and then play "fair" once you have them. Its not fun with just those four colors!

You know of a good way of racking up coins?

Its free for them to throw ads at you and make a ton of cash off of that as well.

Yikes, you've been playing a ton! :P

Well now, technically if you draw out words, you're cheating!


This is standard to any experienced CoD player.

Call of Duty IGN reviews anyone?

The community is just as shitty as COD's.

Had the same problem. Hit the button for full screen on the video bar, then change the date while in full screen.