
The thing is though, spamming revives is part of how you should play the game. Revive as many as possible if you are a medic.

I certainly get that. Its really out of our hands, no one can tell anyone else how to play the game. Those snipers that do no help with the objectives really piss me off too.

You shouldn't be disappointed then, it looks like this DLC is catering to console gamers to help pick up the pace a little bit.

Do you play on PC? If so, I understand. Consoles on the other hand sorely need this.

People are debating whether this is true Battlefield gameplay (meaning the maps should be larger).

Online turns into a pitchers dual every match since the ever so slight lag really throws off the timing aspect of the game. Very disappointing, especially since they moved to dedicated servers this year, which I was hoping would cut down on that. If there is a way to fix this, it needs to get done. Imagine playing

Will we be reviewing MLB 12 The Show?

Reads "Girl Fights"

Yes, its boring on consoles.

What's he whining about? He's merely pointing it out... and it happens to be true.

Why don't you stop being offending by internet commenters who are making true statements about a lacking video game genre?... Do you work for EA / Danger Close?... That's what I thought.

Hopefully its not a snooze fest like Battlefield 3 is on consoles... Its probably a different story on PC but its just so damn... boring, for lack of a better term. Even the sound effects and general music during the loading screens / lobbies contributes to the boring-ness.

I've wondered this myself until I finally figured it out:

Enjoy your ME3 as well!

Yes, I have played previous modes.

Mass Effect 3 is getting all the hype but the game I'm picking up tomorrow is MLB 12 The Show. Enough of that fake space shit, give me some realistic sim's.

I'm sure he did but it was also reported he split up 3 million dollars amongest his employees.

Damn fine rebuttal. Couldn't of said it better myself.

I believe you paid, what, $10 for the PC version? If that's not a good price point I'm not sure what you are expecting. Plus this guy gave all his profit back to his company and employees. In today's world full of Activisions, this dude's doing it right.

Its all about practice. You'll get use to the ball curves once you play a lot. Believe me, you're not alone on this, its very difficult to hit in MLB 12 The Show but that's realistic when pitchers are throwing 90+ MPH fast balls right at you.