Moses Hightower

I suspect the Pelicans are learning that the best way to keep a lid on these things is not to address it. Right now it’s not quite on the sports media radar; lots of rumblings and allusions, but not a lot of thinkpieces or calls for action. And as long as they, Zion, and mom-to-be keep quiet, the story will likely fade

Sorry about your boner, man.

Whether that’s permanent or not, Doja’s comfortability inching away from pop stardom

I’m a Pixar hipster (I think “When She Loved Me” is a bigger tearjerker than the Up montage) but I think this list is alright, as lists go. No real controversy bait to speak of. My quibbles:

Ok, if you follow sports you know that there’s always a bit of controversy about MVP (Most Valuable Player) awards: should it go to the best player, or the player that contributes the most to their team winning? Lists have the same problem. Does “best” mean highest quality writing and performances, most entertaining,

She’s having a moment.

It was a bad decision to think he could just play black or white. I’m thinking he he looked at the man in the mirror and realized he was no smooth criminal, that job should have gone to some pretty young thing. 

[Sets up rickety soap box]
We need to stop asking famous people to denounce their skeevy friends.

Unlike Jeopardy!, hosting Wheel of Fortune is one of the easiest jobs on television. It just happens that Pat Sajak is an excellent tv host. Any charming shlub could do the job.

Marge, it takes two to lie - one to lie, and one to listen.”

The hook is a player’s ridiculous lie, the end of the story is the player being rejected. That doesn’t change because the hook is catchy.

I don’t think the environment at SNL even qualifies as an open secret, because everyone from SNL you ask about it tells the same story about the brutal conditions, and has for decades. There have been several books about it. I don’t think we’re allowed to act surprised anymore.

“It’s great when older women flirt with young married men” is a weird angle to take.

Fuck PETA. Always and forever.

Lawyers for Jolie have claimed she only sold her stakes in Miraval to another party over Pitt after Pitt tried to require her silence on what happened at the end of their marriage as a condition of selling to him.

A lot of people fall into the trap of seeing someone who is less awful and thinking they’re the Good Guy. She may have been somewhat less unworthy than the brothers, but she wasn’t worthy of the CEO job. Not even close. None of them were.

You can relax, she’s not going to actually act on any of this sloganeering. Besides, the Culture Wars will be somewhere different in 15 years, college will probably be back to the classic status marker by then.

[1] Citation needed

The game he plays is all about social power, reality is in a distant second place. Every confrontation is a test of strength. Who makes us feel better about ourselves? Which one is a bigger winner for Our Team? That person is right. Inconvenient facts are easily ignored.

He’s the baseball player’s big brother.