Moses Hightower

I love that people break down Top Chef like a sport. Do you listen to the Pack Your Knives podcast?

Jesus, this writing. I came in here to make a pretty milquetoast reaction I had already written in my head (“I’m not exactly an Alec Baldwin fan, but the man has been through some shit, so I’ll give him a pass on this.”). But this kind of column on an easily made mistake (he has seven children under ten and an adult

This is refreshingly honest. Most people don’t want to do the work of dealing with friends who have done bad things. And there’s truth in the idea that people aren’t their worst moments, so you don’t want to discard friendships in hard times.

I’m in reruns on this, but people need to stop asking famous (or otherwise) people about their friends who have been accused of crimes.

“While clothing and hairstyles are easy to experiment with new styles, in my opinion, surgery should aim for timeless beauty.”

I received mine at a swim meet around the same time. It didn’t mean much to me, but I remember it as “better than nothing” so... mission accomplished?

Because the purpose of lists is not an academic exercise, but purely to drive engagement. It’s the reason Buzzfeed still exists. And it’s the reason Ralph & Sam rank 17 spots lower than a century-old minstrel pair.

My only (only!) beef with Zava is he’s too close to Zlatan Ibrahimovic. I was hoping he’d be less identifiable with any one player, maybe a more stereotypical weirdo superstar.

Get Sassy and Dr. Fieldstone on Shrinking S2. Done.

I still don’t get why MrBeast is the problem, instead of a symptom of the problem. You don’t need to think that he is a great human doing great things, and I don’t believe he is asking anyone to see him as selfless or heroic.

I know, I know, headlines aren’t written by the author, yada yada. But the majority of medical things you mention - preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, various forms of depression - are actually rare, like the side effects on medication commercials. Nobody is hiding them. In fact-

Assuming you’re arguing in good faith, you’re saying “story” when you mean “plot.” Character development is advancing the story. Background (aka “Setting”) development is advancing the story. This is the worldbuilding that gives the story’s conflict meaning.

Now, can we get similarly melancholy and thorny storylines in the rest of the show?

If they were Methoding a great guy who was nice to people, who would complain? After all, we only know about the issues with Method because of the complaints, and the most complaints would come out when they were Methoding weird, intense assholes.

I am not an expert, but my understanding of Method actors is that they believe that full immersion allows them to give a better performance. That doesn’t make it a better or worse technique, just different. And, apparently, more annoying. But I haven’t heard that he is difficult or combative, just a lot, and if that’s

My only beef with the asexuality discussion is a Word Nerd one: the “a” prefix should not apply to anything with a spectrum. If you occasionally believe in God, you are not an atheist. If something is asymmetrical it is not partially symmetrical.

This is it. There is no shortage of men who see their relationship with women as 1) collective, and 2) adversarial. They are threatened by “feminists” who stand up for themselves because they see it as criticizing men, and these guys have built up their gender as a pillar for their own self worth; “men have built

Kim K is hit and miss on these things. I feel like Paltrow is more consistently wrong.

Should I bring this up at the next meeting? Get the ChairMan to draft something for us?