Moses Hightower

“Yeah, but being shitty to women is an integral part of gaming. Somehow. Probably because of how girls were mean to me in middle school, and laughed at my embarrassing random boner.”

I hate mandatory minimums. I hate the cultural focus on prison as the only solution for crime and criminals.

Yyyyyeah? Maybe? I mean, as you say Wordle’s big innovation is the idea of everybody playing the same puzzle and being able to share it with each other without spoiling the result. That’s why Wordle is a hit. Which apparently is not really a happy accident, considering the guy (Josh Wardle, by the way, not Doug) is a

Is there somewhere I could get up to speed on this discussion? Because this panel is not a defense of internment camps, it’s an argument against living as a fugitive.

Holy shit, those costumes LMAO It’s like they had a meeting and said, “Listen we can’t draw these women naked, so what’s the next best thing?”

You guys wanted her to stop talking about it, and she did. You must be ecstatic!

he inadvertently spoke poorly of [his children]

I don’t know why I do this to myself.

All the Gawker-brand blogs have a “swirling the bowl” feeling these days. Clickbait and bullshit are becoming more and more common, and it really sucks.

I’m assuming Dark Alliance isn’t on here because everybody just stopped playing it?

I don’t blame stadium or club personnel, because this isn’t their job either. But several people on the security side should probably lose their jobs over this.

I guess this is just how these articles are going to be now.

They sell $1,500 exercise bikes. The entire business is built on their brand. Once people with more money than sense start to think that maybe they don’t need a luxury brand exercise bike (with monthly programming fees!) the whole balloon deflates.

The biggest predictor for whether you’ll have a heart attack is genetics. If you come from a family of people with heart disease, all the quinoa and yoga in the world will only move the needle so far. You probably already know what will kill you.

Does Jon Hamm get these questions?

I hear this weird sentiment about sports all the time, and it’s usually from fans that haven’t realized yet how much they actually resent the athletes they compulsively watch.

Nothing comes between me and my outrage from 35 years ago!

[X] WAS NEVER FUNNY is the laziest, most oblivious criticism about a professional comedian. “You see all these people laughing at the comedian I don’t like? They’re all wrong.”

Wait, he’s supposed to quit his job because his coworker has shitty opinions? How are we doing coworker math?

I understand and support the philosophy behind this, but Minor Attracted Person feels like a term ripe for equivocation. I can’t think of a better term, though.