Moses Hightower

Nothing comes between me and my outrage from 35 years ago!

[X] WAS NEVER FUNNY is the laziest, most oblivious criticism about a professional comedian. “You see all these people laughing at the comedian I don’t like? They’re all wrong.”

Wait, he’s supposed to quit his job because his coworker has shitty opinions? How are we doing coworker math?

I understand and support the philosophy behind this, but Minor Attracted Person feels like a term ripe for equivocation. I can’t think of a better term, though.

In the latest version 11 of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) a pedophilic disorder requires that “the individual must have acted on these thoughts, fantasies or urges or be markedly distressed by them.” Otherwise it is not a disorder.

I’m mad at myself. I knew before I clicked the link that this would be some bad faith bullshit, and I was right. Just peak gossip-rag shit-talk for clicks.

Her job requires her to talk to the press about her work. When asked about her relationships, she responds by saying she’s not going to discuss that part of her life.

The actress is inexplicably still partaking in a press tour for her film Violet

...kind of? Cam Newton and Russell Westbrook get noticed for their fashion choices, and it’s often clumsily tied into race-tinged criticisms of their play. But yes, black men are expected to dress more flamboyantly.

Wait... you think the difference between a good movie and a bad movie is the budget? Because I’m willing to bet a significant chunk of my salary that you agree that the Twilight franchise was garbage.

You need to have a personality louder than your clothing, otherwise that suit is wearing you. If you aren’t on stage, you have no chance of living up to an outfit that loud.

Give it a week. She’ll make a decision some people disagree with, and we’ll have a good backlash going before you know it.

I came here for Internet famous grape-stomping clips, and I’m sadly disappointed so far. :(

Is there a female equivalent? The first to come to mind is Andie MacDowell, who is undeniably beautiful, but... sexy? Meh.

Most pranks are shitty and mean. I don’t like them.

I like Anna Faris. She’s great.

If he came by his position honestly, I could at least respect that. If abortion is murder, then all abortions are murder.

Your proposal to fix the game was to replace the currency system with a more effective bartering system, which is addressing the same problem - the game’s economy is busted, and needs to be fixed.

I can’t speak on your motivations, as I don’t know you. But when I hear that a new character being anything outside of “cis-het neurotypical white guy” feels like “pandering”, it sounds an awful like “Why do they have to talk about it?” levels of “I’d prefer to ignore that people like you exist.”