Moses Hightower

Si, si! I’m very intrigued.

I would love to see a few writers talk about pros and cons of different options to replace T’Challa. I tend to lean toward new character, because:

The only reason this is controversial is that people think that things “get dirty as if it’s a state of being, like cooties.

Now that I can get behind—but next time, make the message clear right out of the gate, alright?

You can do that with any form of entertainment, though. Grief porn, Noble Sacrifice porn, Romance porn, Emotional Conflict porn...

Oversimplified, dismissive explanations for behaviour are just excuses to disrespect people you don’t like.

Draco is the Latin word for dragon. So it’s a dragon named Dragon.

I thought it was funny, since it’s over the top, like a joke. Again, diff’rent strokes.

A hologram of my late mother would be the most amazing gift I could imagine, so I’m confused by the haters. Diff’rent strokes, I guess.

1) Start by learning the lessons American culture teaches: All that matters is winning; If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying; Money is power; Nothing is more important than becoming rich and famous.

Lane’s attorney, Earl Gray, announced plans to file a motion to dismiss the charges against his client in June when Lane was released on bail.

Awesome, enjoyed the blog very much! I don’t read books often, but this has me considering it.

Why does he look like Alternate Universe Handsome Tim Allen?

The tips are fine - perfectly good instructional content. It’s just their overarching philosophy that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

I feel like, if I’ve learned anything from how society is reacting to *gestures at everything*, it’s that a lot of people - I’d be welling to wager most people - are primarily driven by the things in life that affect them directly.

Now playing

“Your mom is...” jokes are so entrenched in some subcultures that simply saying “Your mom!” is understood as a form of disrespect. It’s not at all obvious what the One True Meaning™ of motherfucker is.

But it doesn’t stand up to any level of scrutiny. Motherfucker has never meant creep, or lech, or pervert. In the last century of common usage, it has always meant someone mean or evil, someone who has done you wrong. So it doesn’t track to say that it could only be applied to someone who would have sex with their own

The article addressed your specific point. Why not take this up with the author instead?

“Maggot” got a lot of use in the 70s and 80s, when I was a kid. It’s fallen out of favour, but I support its return.

For someone throwing around a “quite obviously”, you think you’d check first. The word (phrase?) is over a century old, and there’s no confirmed origin or original meaning.