Moses Hightower

Which colonial mindset? Then, like now, not everybody was on board with the decisions being made. Acting like everyone was good with what was happening is its own brand of ahistorical storytelling. And selling your game as a cynical tale of “You can’t make a difference, you can only make things hard for yourself” is

“Why didn’t he immediately tell the police about a secret someone was blackmailing him with?” is not good analysis.

But if it’s something you do to black women that you wouldn’t do to white women, that is racism.

I have the same dilemma when someone is wearing tights that are translucent in the sun. Is it worse to tell her (embarrassing, probably too far from home to do much about it) or not tell her?

I’m sorry, after reading your first post I assumed we were playing the Purposely Dense Game.

What a weird deflection. “This one time there was a black woman with a speaking role in a Bond film and the movie was bad.” What is the point you think you’re making, exactly?

I’m not sure Melvin van Peebles’ example proves the point you want it to.

It has nothing to do with entitlement, AB is just a different dude. He was always a different dude, but he put up with stuff he perceived as bullshit because as a college player he needed to satisfy his coach to get to the NFL; he needed to satisfy his pro coach to get a good contract. Once he got that contract, once

And who’s providing the $150,000,000 budget? You? Did you ever consider that people have been trying to do just that for decades? Or are you just the Typical Commenter who figures that you just came up with an original idea - “Why don’t they make a movie with a black female lead? Someone should try that!”

In fact, I think Lost is the direct inspiration for limited run serials in America. Lost was six seasons, but could have been so much better as four or five. God, season two dragged.


Great photo. What a boss.

Unpopular opinion: I’m not convinced Kevin Hart’s “Uninterrupted” comments are dismissive.

Unpopular opinion: I’m not convinced Kevin Hart’s “Uninterrupted” comments are dismissive.

You don’t have to go overseas to find wholesale slaughter under the American flag.

I’m assuming every essay you wrote in school started with “According to Webster’s Dictionary...”

Most people won’t “bite your head off” for using the wrong pronoun. They’ll correct you, and usually quite politely.

People will make up the most transparent, ridiculous excuses to defend their prejudices. People will dogpile an insufficiently thin woman for dressing the way she wants, and if you ask why, you’ll get a bunch of stories about “her health.” Yeah? You describe a woman as looking “disgusting” and “ridiculous” because of

But if you can’t please your woman, you ain’t a man... this shit is a mess.