It is frustrating and unfair. But we learn so much about how we are supposed to act by the behaviour we see modeled for us, either in the home or in society around us. Who are the active fathering role models that are teaching men how to parent?
It is frustrating and unfair. But we learn so much about how we are supposed to act by the behaviour we see modeled for us, either in the home or in society around us. Who are the active fathering role models that are teaching men how to parent?
Can’t Hardly Wait 2: Wait Harder
Just be the best in the world at what you do. Have you tried being good at something?
Note: When a lane is ending, the most efficient use of time and space is for people to drive in both lanes until the end, and zipper merge at that point. It is actually the rule of the road in several places.
The perfection of “Don’t be a Richard” made me suspect it was a plant, but the generic blandness of the “Speak American” guy makes it easy enough to believe regardless.
A duck!
Something something Log Driver’s Waltz.
That’s a high level of sarcasm for somebody who’s so sincerely wrong. There is no degree of truth to “Nobody innocent hangs themself.” Zero. It is not “overly broad” or “somewhat inaccurate,” it is untrue. A generous reader can infer what she means, but that statement is simply wrong and that needs to be pointed out.
#1 - You left out your gf’s best quality - her patience. Because I can’t imagine how patient she must be to deal with your arrogant condescension all the time. Nit-picking fictional plotlines and talking at length about subjects you don’t understand? That girl has two options: mm-hmming until you’re done, or pointing…
€5 150
“I know I’m insanely lucky to have survived all this. I looked it up: Your odds of surviving a subdural hematoma are roughly 50/50: Anton Chigurh flipping your quarter and demanding you call it. I may have won that toss, but I also know that my luck is an insult to the less fortunate, and I know that this run of…
Sounds like you need to log off, go outside and get some fresh air. You’ve been online too long.
Would it have been even more lucky if the ball had went where he was aiming? That’s a strong “no,” friend.
What a strange article. It was a good shooter making a decent shot plus a lot of luck.
Wind resistance, primarily. A well-hit ball has spin, but even a hypothetical spin-free ball would be slowing down from the moment it leaves the bat.
This isn’t a “spirit of the rule” issue because there are no advantage scenarios for the offside rule. Soccer has advantage scenarios for their offside calls, hockey doesn’t. Some rules get advantage considerations, others don’t.
Makes sense to me because they are different rules with different standards. If the puck hit him, it would be Too Many Men. If he punched/hooked/interfered with somebody, it would be roughing/hooking/interference. He isn’t a non-entity, the rules still apply to him. He just gets an exception for that one rule as long…
Came here for goatse candy jokes. Am disappoint.
Ah, the timeless “Why are people interested in things I don’t like?!” Internet comment. Never gets old.
I didn’t watch the game, saw the picture, and thought, “Huh, that dude’s offside.”