Moses Hightower

He’s the kind of superficial, egotistical idiot that would insist on his nonsensical orders being carried out because his feelings got hurt, and he’s the president. “That Australian loser thinks I don’t understand trade policy? We’ll put a yooge tax on everything his loser country tries to sell.”

Two kids in a bar. One says something kinda shitty to the other. They respond with something shitty. This shitty exchange goes on until somebody throws a punch.

Obviously they can be compared, but I don’t think you’ll find its equivalent. That’s why I didn’t answer your questions, I don’t think your analogy holds.

Is there a comparable slur to bitch in modern vernacular? The problem with trying to find an equivalent is that there is no socially accepted equivalent prejudice to misogyny anymore. The closest would be retard, and that’s even gone beyond the pale in the past few years.

You’re right, I totally veered off into a tangent. My mistake.

We were discussing misogynist slurs, so I figured I’d stay on topic. Didn’t think it was necessary to compare bitch to redskin or octaroon.

Different slurs carry different weight. Cunt is different from broad is different from slut is different from bitch. They don’t all have the same impact, no.

Four seats just opened up front?! The man is abhorrent.[/s]

Trump is going to make this guy millions richer. He just did the math and, for him, millions > domestic policy. I’m not even mad at him, he’s Trump’s core consitituency.

Has anyone seen Beebe lately? How’s he doing? Because that guy was Welker before Welker.


Why are you stuck on “Elite”? He’s not even “good”. It’s almost like you need to spin this so you’re not so obviously wrong.

Dwight Howard hits 80% of his free throws in practice. Its not physiological for him at all. But its also not lack of effort.

You keep making the same mistake: you assume that he could become an effective 3 point shooter if he just tried harder, ignoring the possibility that he just might not be a good 3pt shooter at the NBA level. And as he gets older, slower, and less able to get to the rim, his outside shots will get more contested, not

“Decided not to develop an outside shot” goes right up there with “Shaq doesn’t care about missing free throws” as things people who should know better say about professional athletes.

Nice to see Jack Sock get a little respect. That forehand sets him apart from his peers, where he stands alone thanks to his unmatched grip strength.

Acid + Metal -> Salt + Hydrogen

Papa really depends on how you say it. I’m fine with “poppa”, especially since it leads to one of my favored dad nicknames, “Pops.”

Exactly, that’s not how my mind works. I don’t sort people by sexuality, or hair colour, or height.