
I don’t really agree with the tenor of the article or with the comments so far. Elizabeth Warren’s oral family history included Native Americans. Documentation that many generations back can be sketchy, and Trump put her on the defensive about it. Yes, she could have ignored him, but taking the high road over

This is tangentially related to the article - the Elizabeth Warren saga is a mess - but I’ve always found the notion of blood quantum curious. I’m from a state with 7 or 8 tribes and had 2 friends who were 50% or more Native (one parent or both were all or part Native) yet were denied membership because they weren’t

Yes, it’s embarrassing that Elizabeth Warren believed she was Native American and was ultimately incorrect. That I consider really awkward but forgivable and survivable, politically. 

“the only reservations east of the Mississippi are in Wisconsin.”

There are reservations east of the Mississippi. Seminoles in FL, Poarch Creek in AL, Cherokee in NC, etc.

I was so grossed out when I saw that Elizabeth Warren was digging her heels in on this issue, both for the harm it does to Native Americans and the fact that it makes me agree with Trump on the absurdity of the claim (minus the name calling and the way he goes about it).

Ted Cruz may not know how to skateboard, but check out how good he is at basketball!

Perhaps a hellmouth will open.

I really wanted this to happen in the Astrodome.

Can Sephora start carrying The Ordinary again now, please?

It’s fun to know we can’t even get murdered righ.

Yeah, white women do plenty to uphold both the patriarchy and white supremacy, but the proper title of this article should be ‘misogynistic, white supremacist only cares about violence against women when he can use it for his own gain'. But, you know, that wouldn't generate clicks or comments like this one. 

Though Trump would likely condemn this robocall and maybe even the neo-Nazis behind it

I can’t imagine how traumatizing it was for Mollie’s family and friends to hear that robocall. Or just to hear her name flung around as a political talking point day after day. How do you even begin to heal?

Same shit happens over here, where the “attractive” victims of terror attacks and victims of foreign criminals are plastered over the papers and tv time and time again to grab attention and/or push barely hidden racist/xenophobic agendas.

So, white women continue to help reinforce white, male hegemony from beyond the grave?

In a nutshell this is Trumps whole political strategy.

That's no way to talk about our president. 

Hey Gizmodo, publish more of these methodologies by your team. Investigative journalism will only have to have more people like Ishaan in the future.

The fact that you have detailed your methodology so thoroughly is at least as impressive as the story.