Mr. K

Per India Express:

Echoed... Are you serious @Brwnskngurl? For 4 tweets and a stupid ass joke? Kevin needs to do better, true, but come on! 

Multiple spinal fractures? Good god! I had a very small hairline fracture in my spine twice (because it acted up again a couple years later) and both times, for over four months, I couldn’t stand up and I had to walk completely bent over. At 90 degrees. I can’t imagine what he is/will be going through and hope that he

the world’s petrostate oligarchs

Well, we got our own first world dictator wannabe right here in the good ol’ USA.

I wouldn’t call #45 wealthy -- he’d like to think he is  ...

I’m confused, was there an allegation of coercion or abuse of power, or assault that wasn’t reported in the article?

We need to stop using the word ‘Pedophile’ and use the correct term: Child Rapist.

Don’t date 16 year olds. Not hard to do.

“Because I feel like it’s the right thing to do, I’m going to retire from Smash,”

See, if you really understood ‘the right thing to do’...

Ian, please check this but I’m pretty sure the age of consent in Canada is only 16 if the other person is 18 or younger. I'm pretty sure we have a graduated system for consent. Pretty sure what he did is still illegal in Canada and would be “corrupting a minor” or something like that.

I was speed skimming and must have missed “Captain Zack”, because I got halfway through the article before I realized “Lauth” was a dude. I literally had a moment where I thought, “creepers like this are what pushes young women out of these scenes”, which I guess reveals some of my bias.

In Carroza-Oyarce’s home country of Canada, the legal age of consent is 16, whereas Lauth’s home state of Louisiana sets the age of consent at 17.

No I did not, but same statement applies. If he spent more time socializing with others his own age, I’m sure he could find someone that is his peer rather than a kid.  

Doesn’t really change how creepy it is.

A 28 and a 16 year old. That’s straight up creepy. Just really shows how involved he was in his games etc. when he should have been socializing so he would know how to interact with chicks his own age.