
OK, so let me get this straight, the NSA whistle blower currently living in Russia wants us all to download an app that essentially turns your phone into a full fledged bugging device.

No. You could not “only assume” that. Your initial comment is borderline non sequitur. You are just being difficult.

So you’re just repeating the same thing you said that makes no sense. Cool.

Seriously. The people who believe he ended up in Russia because of happenstance are fools. This was his destination, and there is ZERO way he hasn’t had to give over the info he stole.

Uh, what?

So, a proven Russian spy want to install an app on our phones that will record audio and video around sensitive documents? Hard pass.

I’m sorry but I can’t trust a guy who might be flipped by Russia by now.

Maid in Manhattan 2: Turndown Terror

It was never about the anthem. People are just racist assholes.

Please. It’s plain as day they were saying “BOO-ALTIMORE.”

It was never about the anthem.

It was different with Bernie, for some reason. All I can figure is people find a hawkish man a lot more palatable than a hawkish woman.

I equally hold both parties on equal distain.

It was different with Bernie, for some reason. All I can figure is people find a hawkish man a lot more palatable than a hawkish woman.

I’ll grant you that Hillary’s foreign policy is abhorrent. But a lot of Leftist voted for Bernie, and outside of not voting for the Iraq War, he’s been kinda hawkish.

The Alt-Right labeled themselves with that term to elevate them above the rest of the right and make them feel superior. They essentially “went to 11".

This! Why the hell are we being “fair and balanced” to fucking Nazis?! They are not the same. There’s a difference between fighting for the superiority of your race and fighting for your right to exist safely.

With all due respect to comic-cons: why does the alt-right always end up looking like comic-con ?

If that whole dichotomy thing were true that would make the alt left fucking stalinists or maoists not just antifa(who are really just anarchists who want to fuck shit up). This is of course all because our country needs to “see both sides” and “treat both sides as equals” when that’s not how the fucking world works