
Good lord, March 3? This isn't a Venture Bros. wait, but it'd be nice if 2.5 months didn't separate halves of a season.

"Please follow"

Excuse me, but your use of the T word has brought back memories from other times someone was offended by something most would say was mundane and had to tell the rest of the world about it.

Yes, that's the big question. I'm about to completely ditch the crap cable I have now ($35 a month + fees for HBO and local channels).

OK, let's do the math here.

"The music is changing again, and that means that I have all the cools to this point."

Two games on this list that are most certainly on my "I really should get this" list are South Park and NES Remix 2—the former because I just haven't fired up my PS3 that often lately, and the latter, because I wonder if I should get it, the second one, or a possible compendium of the two.

I agree. Unless there's (god forbid) some terminal illness she's hiding, this is a bit premature.