Appreciation and giving thanks is not an official endorsement or a liability waiver in any jurisdiction.
Appreciation and giving thanks is not an official endorsement or a liability waiver in any jurisdiction.
From Kotaku, at most, I expect mild bias toward current trends and slight negligence handling some news. And typos every now and then. Maybe some drama? I honestly don’t think something like this would fly here
Work is food. Your livelihood. One of the most fundamental aspects of your life. I really don’t understand how can someone throw their careers down the drain like this. The dude wasted a lifetime of skills and a decade old career for nothing, just for the conquest rush of hitting on women. Well, regrettably women…
I wanted to read, but could not. After using ctrl+f I couldn’t find Goldeneye’s Golden Gun. Why? WHY?
In PUBattlegrounds, there is literally no reward or point in playing the game at all. Even if you win, all you get is just a different screen that says you are the “winner winner”. NO rank system, crappy loot and “premium” cosmetics are now hidden behind paywalls and horrible Steam markets. Just one map. Laggy as…
so essentially we owe to DOTA2 and greed the way the fucked PU Battlegrounds. I regret buying this game. Wont playing it again.
What the “Evolution of Trust” game actually explains is not why we can’t trust each other, but the philosophy behind “The Game Theory” and some of its most important mathematical conclusions.
Nathan, why dont you give the other side of the story? The one that part of the conmunity that rightfully thought Roadhoad was Broken with his Hook combo? And the balancing reasoning behind that consensus?
Well done
My bet would be that there are no issues with original EX series characters, but that they are still negotiating or analyzing what to do about Capcom original characters.
And baseball players are not employees by any stretch of the imagination. Their union and labor dealings ocurred mostly outside the protection the law brings to employees.
At release, the original Splatoon was highly and brutally criticized for its lack of content, which included lack of ranked competitive modes. By reviewers and players alike. Maybe ARMs is a bit more (or less) bareboned than the original Splatoon on release, but yes, they are both being criticized on the same…
deleted: reason too lazy to edit on a cell phone
Hey Hey
TAP problem is not dmg, as incorrectly suggested, but how quick and safe it is, and how many traps it sets up.
There there. Be happy that you could engage a stranger on the internet for no reason. Now go and have the last word so you can sleep at night
I gave a reply and not a direct answer to your questions. I might give answers when you conduct questions within a normal, adult conversation.
The message you are replying talked about the borderline disrespectful tone of this review, and it also implies I have read many other reviews. Your message is totally non sequitur, because it talks about me, and about what you think how “I feel” but not about my opinion.
Yes. Something beautiful: it’s called cult-like obsession for a very outdated game.