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    Heather, the tone of your review is borderline disrespectful and ultimately unprofessional. We get it. You felt the game was a chore and not that good. That’s fine. However, this is the first time I have ever read a “professional” staff review like this in Kotaku.

    This is incorrect and very misleading.

    My biggest mind fuck at that time was the Banjo Kazooie unreachable eggs and Ice Key. Being a kid, I actually thought that letting the timer run 99 hours with 99 mins would do the trick but NOPE. I even offered my mom to pay the elcectricity bill because of all the time I secretly left my N64 on while being at

    Attorney here.

    So... Boogiepop Phantom, Persona version?

    I dont know what Neil arrogance is. He is acting like this top tier writer when all he have written is utter crap

    Patricia. I can make original music. More interesting, I’m also a writer and can translate Kotaku’s posts in Spanish.

    Hello, Katherine!

    Gita, hello!

    Want to add that bona fide historians don’t have to worry about Copyrights infringement under the Fair Use exceptions.

    Whoever is criticizing Telltale because they are using as a refererence Marvel’s Cinematic Universe for their upcoming GotG game, are either missing the point entirely, or just don’t really know about Telltale’s narrative style.

    Whoever is criticizing Telltale because they are using as a refererence Marvel’s Cinematic Universe for their upcoming GotG game, are either missing the point entirely, or just don’t really know about Telltale’s narrative style.

    Environment hazards? Patricia, I think Sakurai designed that map. Coming up next: Bomb-ombs, Floating Ice Cream and Baseball Bats

    Since they are basically recycling assets and building upon its proven NSMB platform, I think it will be full of content and worth the price

    Are one of those Xs from MegaMan X?

    Is Paladins a DLC with a new set of Overwatch skins and new maps?