
I'm excited to see him turn against Trump. One bloated racist ass versus another bloated racist has to end in them both consuming each other, right?

First, skinny Jewish here, so missing the mark. Second, you just keep being you. Nothing says winner like angry, Internet troll. I'm pretty sure they made up a percent of the racist marchers. Congrats!

You keep insulting people. Do you realize it makes your points moot? Grow up.

He even used the term "us" while describing those scary "alt-leftist"

Are we really putting season one Jessica Jones and Daredevil with Luke Cage? Honestly, while Misty, Cottonmouth and Mariah were great, Luke was a bore and show absolutely feel to crap after episode 7.

Eh, that's how it is with these people. From X-Men fans to Star Wars, there is just never a lot of reconciling between the "values"

Id love it if Liv can get a good storyline next season

Except studies show that isn't true

Hey, I'm flying Delta to Europe! I wanted VA but they're like twice as expensive. Now I have regrets.

I think it's time to get rid of Blaine. I feel like his continued presence is one of the things fracturing the story. We know more about Blaine's family drama than we do Liv's….It's just time to let the character go.

I would hope they respect the fans enough to at least let them conclude with a movie.

Not too excited for Jane/Adam. Posey isn't a strong actor and acting along side this bunch won't help hide that.

Persona 4(and to a lesser extent 3) had such amazing characters but persona 5 characters are such lame ducks.

Depp as the invisible man is very…unnerving

I bed season 3 opens with the background of the heist

I will say the ending was disappointing. We missed the cluster meeting each other! I hope next season, the first ep goes back and fills in the gaps.

To be fair, I hated that line in Civil War. Peter is a nerd. What nerd would call
Empire Strikes Back "that old movie."

Why is this show getting better grades than Doctor Who? It makes no sense..It's just so….not good.

Why'd they even invite her?

Only a former Doctor can deliver exposition
so well. Perfect casting.