Dorris Mancing

Combining the worst elements of religious orthodoxy with consumer capitalism? Oh yay!

“We feel protective of the guy — is he going to get erect? It’s a big exposure.

To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”

Agreed. Respecting cultures is one thing, but it should be refused to accept cultural practices that accept the victimization of anyone. That treatment of women is so ingrained in his mind, he feels men cannot control their urges!

Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.

I’ve seen multiple people on other comment sections saying things like “im not racist, but I just think since Emma Watson is white, then Hermione should always be white.” I feel like there are way too may people that don’t realize Emma Watson isn’t actually Hermione.

I feel sorry for the kids- period. Some of this homespun facade is just that- facade. All of these people are media savvy & working hard to keep $$ coming in.

And then knowingly having kids with him! Daughters, who are at risk for obvious reasons, and sons, who will be raised by a man who thinks that molesting girls is all in good fun.

I love how molesting a bunch of little girls (mainly his sisters, one of whom was only 5) is not as bad as the cheating. Raise your hand if you’d much, much, rather you found out your spouse cheated on you than sexually abused a number of kids? I might be hurt about cheating, but I could see working past it. I would

If anyone ever told you that the left is easy to take offense, please take note of the thousands of offenses which the political right believe absolutely require governmental intervention. Count the thousands of times you didn’t see a gay relationship on TV—for fear it might offend someone—even though at least 10% of

Good thing he’s not a brown terrorist person or everyone would be losing their minds over a man willing to murder due to his beliefs.

‘Whoa, where did that come from, what’s that about,’

“...Allowing different surnames risks destroying social stability, the maintenance of public order and the basis for social welfare.”

WHAT. I mean, seriously, I understand adults’ hero fantasies where they’re the “good guy” with the gun who takes out the shooter (rather than the much, much more likely good guy who shits himself and shoots his friend instead)...I think they’re stupid and wrong, but I at least understand them. But now we have people

Conservatives will ban whole people before they ban guns for a specific sub-set of those people that would make them dangerous.

Truly, a boner I can care about.

ETA: my following rant doesn't mean in any way that I don't respect women who act in porn. I just find the industry to be extremely problematic.

It’s almost like a violent male-centric wish-fulfilment industry that is designed for jerking off to is inherently expolitative, despite people’s best intentions and tumblr blogs!

You’re right, Ted. Birth control should always be left up to the men. Thanks for reminding us yet again we women folk shouldn’t be bothered with such trivial things.

So that’s his position on women’s health, reproductive rights, and bodily autonomy? Two quarters in a dive bar men’s bathroom?