Mmmm, tasty secret-crush.
Mmmm, tasty secret-crush.
The missing part of the story as reported here is that Mr Tripped-and-Fell is not British, but Saudi Arabian, and a Saudi millionaire at that. I say this as a Britisher, at the moment we are knee-deep in arms deal and arselicking with Saudi. The fact that he was let off on such a preposterous defence and that a…
My ‘fuck you’ song is ‘Nah nah hey hey (kiss him goodbye)‘ by Bananarama. Preferably including the video from Top of the Pops so you get the full-on fuck off attitude. Played on repeat while laughing manically only a few weeks ago!
Yes, especially with her ginger hair and incredible lipstick in Parade’s End. I would post a pic, but, I’m grey, so nobody will see it :(
Diana Spencer = standard aristocrat looks. They pretty much all have the same face (gene pool, more like gene puddle).
Just checked again, there a couple of Scottish backdrops (Edinburgh castle, the Falkirk Wheel) and one N.I background (Titanic Belfast), so at least Scotland and N. Ireland get background status :/ . Still nothing for Wales though.
It’s really, really London-centric in general - check out all the buildings used for backgrounds on each page, almost every single one is a London cityscape. London = the whole UK is something even the rest of England moan about, as well as Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish.
I keep reporting this turd’s Facebook page and his avalanche of posts advocating marital rape, but Facebook never take them down because they don’t violate their community rules. There I was thinking that advocating marital rape was either incitement to violence or gender-based hate speech. Turns out no, you can…