Kathleen Burner Overdrive

It's not a "destination wedding" if it's where you currently live. It's a wedding where some of the guests will have to travel if they wish to attend. Because in this day and age many people move away from their hometown so someone has to travel.

"Outside the coasts, Gina is a size that is completely acceptable and desirable to many men"

"I was toes to Jesus propped open like a windsock on the table"

When I read the words "baby building broth" I think of something a LOT different that what is at the link...

That Meghan chick is like a pinterest board come to life. #vintage #pinup #50s #housewife #diyhairstyles #perfectcateyetutorial

What does an Asian look like?

Pele loves assholes like that, they taste like chicken.

Nicki Minaj ain't nothin' to fuck with.

No. Do not dance like this. Most people who can't dance feel that way because they don't have rhythm. This will just make them look like awkward marching robots and still offbeat.

You ready to gain a 9th proposal because I think I love you.

That's cool. Like I said, I'm neutral on the topic other than thinking that it's a little harsh to assume Cutrone's criticisms are inherently untenable. All that said, I am obsessed with your handle.

I've said the same thing before! In fact, it is *never* the dudes with actual big, girthy dicks who whine about wearing a condom. Without fail, it is always the dudes with the solidly low end average dicks.

*sits back and patiently waits for the male posters to jump in and start screeching that we just don't get it, condoms hurt, ok? Like, you can't feel anything ever! And it's too tight! ETC ETC*

Rebecca, I love you.

I fucking hate my husband. Hate him. Hate his character. He is a misogonyst, racist, power hunger asshole training to be a cop of all people. I'm so scared of how he is going to be with a gun in his hands. He keeps saying, "I'll get training, I'll get training," but they can't train his lack of impulse control out of

Look, while I appreciate the need to update this movie, you can't just go around changing key elements! Brand me a racist if you want, but I'm just going to come out and say it:

My balls fit in a guy's mouth on the regular. They don't need that much room.

So.....I guess having polite small talk with the Grandma that probably brought you a nice Best Buy or Macy's gift card (even though you never call or write) isn't a fair exchange for said gift?

Lesbian exMormon here. My Mormon credentials consist of a storied pioneer heritage on my paternal AND maternal sides (now including famous polygamists!), all the youth awards you get for being a good little Mormon girl, TWO degrees from Brigham Young University, and much, much more! I came out to my (very very