
@lpranal: So I see the "don't try this at home" warnings are targeting you. I hope you don't watch too much mythbusters. :p

@Standish: Just check the address bar in your browser.

@Neimo: finally someone who thinks outside the box. Sure we can make multitouch touchscreens and pocket-sized computers but there's NO WAY IN HELL we're going to be able to get rid of the bezel? Come on people, show a little creativity.

So how will PLAYbook fanBOYS will be called?

@ps61318: Oh I don't say one is always better than the other, it's just that I'd like to have the choice and companies seem to cop out on this one and say "well, the iPad does it, so we're not risking anything and we do the same"

Screw apple for making 2-inch bezels the norm.

@monkey_biz: If it happens, I'm moving to the states just to join you.

@junior ghoul: Yes. It is interesting to note that Tony Stark's great invention in Iron Man was the power supply. The actual suit looked like a trivial endeavour in comparison. And look, here we are with a real-life suit but no adequate power supply.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: The logistics support version would actually be more useful if you could have 3-4 plugged on a single power generator. You wouldn't have to carry extra batteries just for the support units, and moving around ammo and missiles could be done tethered without much encumbrance.

@Richard Servello: Yeah that particular one blew my mind from here to Tienanmen Square.

Very interesting TED talk about this:

@Myklsan: "It's half man, half bear and half pig!"

@renafuse: What? this existed all this time and I still didn't know it? My love for giant robots basically started with that episode.

@Interstella5555: A little girl did EXACTLY THAT at the pool I work during summer, and hit her head on the concrete floor, causing a nasty cut. I wasn't there when it happened, but I couldn't help but facepalm when the other lifeguards told me. You should have seen the shitstorm her mother raised. Incredible. She

@Akio Morita: Surely if scientists say something it HAS to happen the next day to be true. Sheesh.

Skip to 2:27 if you just want the explosions.

@dsands: That's actually fuckin dodecahedrons.

Silly plural means I can't make an HTC joke.