@2 replies: Apparently you can just eat fetuses to harvest power. That way you get the yummy fetus taste PLUS the medical benefit:
@2 replies: Apparently you can just eat fetuses to harvest power. That way you get the yummy fetus taste PLUS the medical benefit:
@djdare: CCR is a great band.
@doomonu: 100% with you on that one. Can't stand iTunes and I just started to use Rythmbox which uses ID3Tags. I always used the old school MP3 arrangement: /.../Music/Artist/Album-Year/TrackNumber-TrackName.mp3 . It works.
@OCEntertainment: Strange, I might have overlooked it but I haven't seen any mention to the fact that this game had a first person part (Ed: On Wikipedia). I thought it was one of the (if not THE) best features of that game. I liked to get inside creatures hand mess with them, or train them!
@OCEntertainment: Dungeon Keeper. Awesome game. RTS + FPS at the same time.
@psychiccheese: You definitly need years of practice to make that guy sprint. A PhD is recommended.
@xtthew: Theres always Dillo, wich uses way less ram (default web browser on Damn Small Linux; wich runs fine on my girlfriend's old PII 233mhz supercharged with 32mb of ram).
@DGTLHRT: Come on. You know!
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: That's exactly what I was wondering. Guess I'll have to check wikipedia on this one.
I just thought about it but if I understand correctly, with Chrome OS installed, Acer won't be able to cram all their crapware. That's a major plus for the common user!
Videotron here (Québec, Canada) does the same. They have a mobile network, a "land-line"(Read VoIP) phone service, a cable service (SDTV and HDTV with Video on demand) and, of course, they are an internet provider.
@Al CaPWN: LOLLL !!!1!!11
@spectralveil: I use it for Central computing. I doubt they're gonna switch all our computers here for Google netbooks tho.
@geolemon: I agree with the main idea: Caps have to be raised to a point where only abuse would justify overcharging something that's already expensive (say, 50~100gb/month). I cannot figure out how you got to use 500mb of data per day without doing anything tho! Seriously, I use my phone quite a bit (Nexus One): I…
What I am looking for is a service, kind of "pay per channel", that would offer high definition at great fps. I'd subscribe to a hockey channel (something like CenterIce, when it worked) and maybe a movie channel. Better yet, subscribing to a movie "channel" should give you access to, say, 15~30 movies a month, with…
@caliaa: I surely am a Geek. I was wondering what meant the title for a few seconds before I realized that yeah, a driver can be someone who drives...
@Mark 2000: I'll just leave this here:
@NorwoodIsMyHero: Snakes on a plane II: They get in only once you can't get out.