
@tylerchristie: Just in case you didn't get it; There is ways to go outside and live your life at it's fullest while protecting yourself adequately. In the "Virtual life", that'd be using linux/unix. Max OSes being an acceptable alternative, if you are inclined to the closed-source side of the force.

@tylerchristie: You get viruses from goin outside and living life. Stay home waiting to die or stop complaining.

I'm looking for exactly that! Right now, I have a network server wich has internal hard drives for home files of the network users (/home is mapped from the server on each remote computers). Then, all the "shared" data is on an array of 6 drives (2 external SATA cables hooked to a box with sata splitters and it's own

The effect is even better in the woods during winter.

Put em in some sort of frame that holds em in front of your eyes an it becomes 3d goggles.

@Squalor: "why did you open the article, read comments, and post?". I'm wondering exactly the same. Let's close this tab, shall we?

I know it's been said in the article and it's also a feature you won't use that often, but the installer is really the best installer I've ever seen from any OS. It asks you only the most basic questions it can't figure out, and it starts to install the second it finishes the partitioning/formatting. Besides, it

@iFarbs: Actually, Xubuntu isnt any faster than Ubuntu. Altho XFCE was way lighter than Gnome at a certain point - and it might be again when gnome 3 releases - I found out on my old PIII 1ghz than Gnome runs/respond faster than XFCE. Go figure.

@LeftClicker: Yes, I think it is. I used it in my quest of the best dock ever but it was acting kind of nasty. It's been a while tho, it might work as expected now.

They missed the laser beams.

@ddhboy: Can't believe you've got a star spreading such retarded words around. You are trolling and/or talking about something you obviously have no clue. Either way, I'd call that being retarded.

@Lysdexia_NoKotakuEdition: All in all, I guess it might be a good "1st offence warning" for a certain type of crime/criminals. If it wasn't an offence to human rights, I could imagine a website showing where on the map are the offenders so that they're easy to follow by anyone. It could lead into a society