
...Wow. I saw it 10/1 and, thankfully, heard NO ONE singing who wasn’t supposed to be. Who does that??

Same—I have tix for October 1, and I assumed at least LMM would be gone, what with the insane amount of stuff he has going (the man is nonstop—sorry, I couldn’t resist!). I had hopes that Christopher Jackson would stick around, considering he stayed in In the Heights for awhile, but I heard he’s filming a CBS pilot,

Yes. I’ve also had more than my fair share of mammograms (got my first when I was 20 or 21 and my most recent one this spring at almost 34, with a good 8 or 10 in between), and I was able to get a mammogram at my doctor’s office exactly zero times. I ALWAYS have to go to a radiology center.