I appreciate your response but I don’t necessarily agree with most of it. There’s a lot to unpack and I may not express my thoughts and ideas on your response as succinctly as they deserve, so please bear with me.
I appreciate your response but I don’t necessarily agree with most of it. There’s a lot to unpack and I may not express my thoughts and ideas on your response as succinctly as they deserve, so please bear with me.
So...you grew up being a bully and got upset when people started calling you out on it? Your point of “bullying bullies makes you the same” doesn’t really hold up. That is like saying that the existence of a justice system is wrong, because it just bullies a bunch of criminals. Maybe you think antifa is just as bad as…
Every week or so, Fortnite gets new weapons and items. They sound cool as hell, and some even radically alter the…
There’s a catharsis to bullying the bullies that I get. My friends and I used to hang out in low level areas in WoW in vanilla and kill the groups of level 60s killing lowbies. We’d actively hunt down the people bragging about being gankers and griefers, just for fun. So I get bullying the bully. I remember being…
Good on them for being agents of change even if their methodology is flawed.
Honestly, I’m in love with this idea. Even if it doesn’t change bullies’ minds, I can definitely see a community forming around this, one that makes women feel safer and less alone in this community, knowing that they have advocates willing to rise to their defense. That’s what matters most, and if this initiative can…
There will be a lot of nuanced, level-headed discussion in this comment section.
Kickass! Good job! As a kid playing this game 15 years ago it would have been great to have more women playing and I hope we get some more people playing as a result! Congraaaaats!
Very impressive! It would be remiss to not mention the great Melissa DeTora and her top 8 at a Pro Tour, and two top 8s at GPs as well. She also now works for Wizards helping balance the game as part of their Play Design team. Very smart woman!
The reason it’s taken 21 years for a woman to make a pro tour is because the stench of magic players is unholy. You may think it’s a joke, or a stereotype, but no, a majority of magic players on the whole don’t bathe for days.
I have played every digital card game under the digital cover the robots use to block out the digital sun.
Once we are able to watch someone play a game broadcasted on the Moon we peek.
In case you guys think people were playing on the giant screen, they were not. Those LED displays have between 2 and 5 seconds latency.
They were mirroring the image of their PC on the giant screen, not playing on it.
I really have a hard time grasping the bigger picture with the privacy obsession. What concern do people have about their game library being shared? What’s the downside? I just feel like the small majority with something weird or sketchy to hide has infected everyone’s mind with an extreme overreaction to anyone…
I never broke a controller until I played God of War (HD) and was trying to do the Challenges. The last one is absolutely rage inducing. To make it worse, my official PS3 controller that came with the system was a piece of junk, so, I smashed it on a concrete floor repeatedly.
One of my more memorable controller smashes I like to call the Gogo Yubari and it only works with a corded controller. You go outside and stand on a concrete surface. Start spinning the controller by the cord and once you feel you’ve reached a good top speed, redirect it straight into the concrete. It is oh so…
My buddy once got black out drunk and he peed on his PS3. He could only surmise that he got angry at Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 multi-player. He probably replaced 2 controllers before that even happened too. To be fair, Ultimate Ninja Storm really has a spammer problem (press Circle/B over and over again).
Well yeah NOTHING comes before shon