KB Coco

I’m not going to get over this for a while.

Yes, when he called out Adam Sandler’s kids, Perez sealed his fate in my mind.

I’m with you - what’s the big deal? These folks make me want to take my shoes off - and I’m not wearing socks!

And she will never be able to prove that she got it at Sephora. Not unless she only came out of her bubble to go there.

Since when is sneezing embarrassing?

Exactly. Just like many ‘feminist’ movies, this is about the man.

I wonder if he is still friends with the ‘good friend.’ If not, maybe we know why. If so, why would someone talk like that to a friend’s girlfriend? Brazen bully, indeed!

Skeet Ulrich used to be the next big thing.

I notice that NPR very carefully says “in modern history” and I appreciate that.

If she reads this post, ‘neck wrinkles’ will send her back to the surgeon!

Less beautiful to me.

Thanks for the spoiler headline!

Is it important to state her age?