
This looks just fine, in my opinion and if Cap’s beard wasn’t enough to get me to watch, I think that’s Billy(!) from the third Jurassic Park, which puts it over the edge into must watch territory for me. 

I completely agree. June should make an exit like she did in the book and the focus should be on a new character, or one of the Handmaid’s we’re familiar with, but hasn’t been a focus. 

I agree. Just watching his face during his scenes go through these emotions as he’s also playing ‘taken over by a thing’ you could see grief and horror and sadness and shock and all these emotions. He played it beautifully. 

I also thought of Jurassic Park when Nancy was driving everyone away in the station wagon and the Mind Flayer was chasing them, with Steve and Robin in the way back watching it come at them. I really wanted Steve to yell out, “Must.Go.Faster!”

These are everywhere in the Twin Cities now. They’re so odd!

While I already was familiar with the fact that racism is rampant, I was shocked to see it so openly on forums like this. We just installed a Ring doorbell at our new townhouse because I’m an anxious wreck and it seemed like an extra layer of security. There’s neighborhood forums on the app and EVERY SINGLE POST is

I kind of agree with you here. I actually wondered for a hot second if June getting pulled out of the store was going to be her ending. I got kind of excited at the thought that the show would take such a huge swing. Then, of course it was disappointing that it was just for that stupid broadcast. 

Yes! I’m really hoping we get more of her. She’s obviously doing what she has to in order to survive, but it’s killing her to keep handing over her babies. She’s been incredibly good at her portrayal. 

This confused me as well. The Waterfords can plead for the return of that baby all they want, but why would Canada even consider it. Canada has shown that they aren’t going to ‘play ball’ in any other arena as far as Gilead is concerned. They’re not allies. There’s no reason for this to be anything but an empty

Thank you. I said that on Twitter and was met with a bunch of people completely confused and not believing where I came up with that. Why else would that bit of dialogue be included??

Margaret Atwood has said that every aspect of the dystopian society in The Handmaid’s Tale was taken from something that has been done or is currently being done to women somewhere in the world. So, I think it’s close enough to a real life tragedy.

I think you’re right that Murphy is going to go along with this immortality thing for real. He was very shaken up by his recent death and journey to what he believes is Hell. He’ll do anything to avoid that again. But I also hope you’re right that he’ll snap out of it before it gets too bad. 

I am completely in agreement with the tone of this article AND ALSO believe that it’s important to make men feel more included in pregnancies and parenting. In the long run, that’s obviously better for everyone involved. But I don’t get all the comments denouncing the tone of the article. I think it’s fair to be upset

I just want to say that I get where you’re coming from, and your feelings are totally valid. It’s okay to feel downtrodden by the state of the world and not feel very generous or empathetic for a while. 

Yeah, I get the name is funny and everything but it was a reliable place for me, as a plus size woman, to find dresses and work clothes. This is going to hit my shopping habits hard. 

I am SO ready for this album. 

Personally, I think she was thinking of Aaron, but who knows?

AJ always was, and always will be, the best of the Backstreet Boys. 

This is correct. I haven’t seen a movie with a start time past noon in years and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. While I have a traditional 9 to 5 and mostly go to the movies on weekend mornings, I don’t find that diminishes the experience. The crowd is still much smaller and I’ve seen movies where there’s only

That’s definitely what she asked about at the shop, but my immediate (and probably wrong thought) when she asked if any kind of meat could go on there was that she wants to try to roast someone on that contraption. Not to eat, just to see if it would work. I hope that doesn’t say anything about me.