
Yeah, I did this for Kesha tix too. It wasn’t a big deal. I just played the videos in the background with the sound off while I worked all day. I ended up 21st in line and got my tickets right when they went on sale.

Thank you! Glad there are 2 of us. Do they realize they’re watching a show about dragons and 100 year winters???

somehow this posted twice, and I can’t delete. Oops!

Thank you! Glad there are 2 of us. Do they realize they’re watching a show about dragons and 100 year winters???

And the episode was titled Dirty Little Secret, and the song they played in Rock Band was All American Reject's Dirty Little Secret. Can't believe it wasn't mentioned in the review.

Patrick Fischler (she chimed in 2 months later).

In The Wilderness is easily the most skippable of his work, but Cecilia and the Satellite makes me cry buckets of tears (in an uplifting and hopeful kind of way, oddly) so I just can't quit him. And you're so right about Everything in Transit. It was the soundtrack to my life for several years.

The various bands of Andrew McMahon. Starting with Something Corporate back in college, Jack's Mannequin and now Andrew McMahon In The Wilderness. My husband and I have seen him something like 6 times.
Second place goes to Springsteen, who I've seen 3 times.
I just realized I've also seen NKOTB 3 times. How's that for

Exactly. You’re a terrible person if you’re overweight, but if you try and do something about it, you’re mocked. It was only a few years ago that afford workout clothes became more widely available in plus sizes. Ridiculous.

Really solid premiere. I was really looking forward to it and I couldn't​ help but smile the whole way through.

I'm excited to see what Jonathan Tucker can do with this role. He brings a simmering just under the surface energy to all his work that I think will be perfect for Lyesmith.

I doubt it's the hardest to learn, but I think Trigedasleng is fascinating because its roots are in English and you can kind of trace how it evolved just by listening carefully.

I don't disagree. I just think we're potentially looking for reasoning and deep thought from a person whose brain has been through the ringer. I don't think there's any reasoning behind her dream/hallucination/whatever. I think she's got some damage to her noggin and we can't apply logic to it.

Yeah, didn't the writers make it clear that Abby is experiencing the same brain boost as Raven at the end of the Raven/Rocket episode? Unless I'm totally making that up. And for Raven, who has a bit of a temper anyway, she raged out. For Abby, who is so invested in her only child, she gets overly protective of Clarke.

Thanks for all the info, this is helpful. I’ve been struggling to make the decision on an IUD myself. Can I ask a question? If I’ve never been able to use tampons, will I be able to have the IUD? Tampons just walk right out of me, and if they do miraculously stay in, they’re super uncomfortable. Is an IUD just not for

You’ll never see this because I’m like 2 weeks late, but they still have the fantasy league on their site. I’m in a league for the current season.

I really expected a dragon when Q and Emily were walking over that bridge. I was so sure that's where they were going with it.

Yes! That really bothered me. It's like crossing your fingers while making a promise.

I’ll be marching in spirit as I volunteer as a guest escort at my local Planned Parenthood tomorrow. Be safe, marchers! #solidarity

I can't believe this doesn't have a million likes.