
This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

I like the number of The League references listed. In keeping with that theme, my team name is Vaginal Hubris.

Bless you for this reference.

I recruit for a call center, and many of our agents use a program on the phones that is pre-recorded answers. It has canned answers for thousands of possible scenarios. The agent just has to know what button on the keyboard produces which answer. This allows the agents to take more than one call at once, and they get

I know this is awful of me to admit because catcalling is so horrible, but I am a 29 year old woman who has never had a man catcall me. Just once, I'd like to know that feeling. Both sides: the horrible sudden lack of feeling safe and righteous anger of it happening, and the brief flush of excitement that somebody

There were at least 5 of us that watched . Sad to see it go.

Amen on all counts. If I pick up one more cute (from the back view at least) shirt at a store and turn it around to find some stupid applique or bunch of sequins I'm gonna scream.

After reading these comments, I'm seeing smaller percentages of sexy dreams than I would expect. I would say that something like 50% of my dreams are sexy dreams. And almost none of them are about my husband. Some are celebrities, most are co-workers or other people I see during an average day (people that ride my

This. I was so distracted by his use of the word 'gay' as some kind of demeaning, terrible thing that I just kept coming back to it and shaking my head. Glad I wasn't alone in noticing it.

This. Exactly.

Those are the people that scare me most in this election. I don't get the thought process..."Well, I know it's not the best thing in the world to take away the basic human rights of groups of people...but the economy!" I've stopped talking to a few of my friends because I can't see them as good, decent human beings if

Yes. I absolutely will.

It's funny because at first I thought Aviva was going to be the most 'normal' among them and the one that would be the easiest to relate to. But she's nuts! And Carole is, like, way too cool to have anything to do with any of this!

I'm with ya. I find the rest of the Real Housewives shows totally uninteresting. But RHONY is an addiction.

You are so not alone. I feel like a complete idiot when I try to run. Spaghetti arms is the perfect way to describe it. And I feel like everyone who sees me is judging me.