
I maintain that one of the reasons I’ve done well over the last 40 years has been that I simply showed up every day, ready to work.

Good comments, but one should also ask early in our career how we want to be viewed. I have always strived to be ethical and helpful, two characteristics that have played out well for me as I wrap up my career. During our careers, it’s normal to see colleagues choose to ignore ethics in the name of short term

I cars are anything like motorcycles, they’ll hit their lowest price at about 20 years out. That means decent examples will get destroyed by bottom feeders due to the low price. This also means they won’t get maintained in any regular way and good ones will start to become rare.

Here, let me translate: “Someone set us up the bomb. All your data belong to us.”

When Trump formed his automotive opinions back in the 70s, emissions regulations made it pretty rough for manufacturers. He doesn’t realize that these days, safety and efficiency sells. The automakers do.

I couldn’t figure out why they never made a diesel hybrid. Seems like a gimme to me. Diesel engines can run at a single speed really, really efficiently. You know, like you’d want for a generator.

Up here in the Bay Area, most landscaping on public property is irrigated with reclaimed water. They put signs up so people don’t call and complain about it.

Sorry, but that’s not a high side. That’s called “hitting something when you ran wide because you didn’t get your bike over far enough for your speed.”

This looks like a typical startup’s manifestation of entrepreneur hubris. How many times have I watched this torpedo a fledgling company? Entrepreneurs are good at ideas and getting things rolling. They are not good at making those ideas and initial steps into standardized processes or measurements.

With their teachers getting ready to go on strike, I suppose this is how the OK legislature thinks they’re going to come up money for them.

Sorry, Audi, but Sonoma Green sounds like some kind of locally grown indica/sativa hybrid.

As soon as my teeth stop chattering, I’ll fax you one. You want a latte, cap or just an espresso? Warning: I only pull double shots.

Sure thing. I owned both a Vega and a Pinto and can assure you that the panel fit and finish on the 3 is way, way worse than what was in those cars.

I blame it on espresso.

Yeah. Trailers are way, way easier to load. I used to be in a club that had a really nice one that would hold about 5 bikes. It was pretty sweet. All your crap is locked up nice and anonymously.

Yeah, we can differ here. You get enough space to stash an additional three human beings back there, or a dozen bags of groceries or plants in pots.

If I raced, I’d agree 100%

I have an ugly teal 2000 F150 with one of those cab and a half arrangements. You know them, it has the tiny doors on the back that will trap you in a parking lot. And yes, it will carry 6 people, 3 of which will be uncomfortable and three of which will be only slightly less uncomfortable.

If you’re looking in your lap instead of out the window, yeah, it couldn’t be avoided. But a bit of attention from the “safety operator” would have prevent this, IMHO.

Jackie Gleason was pretty much allowed to ad lib through large parts of his appearances. Additionally, he had a photographic memory and didn’t believe in rehearsal very much.