Funnily enough I actually prefer Part I over II. It’s a lot more atmospheric and fits the ending a bit better IMO.
Funnily enough I actually prefer Part I over II. It’s a lot more atmospheric and fits the ending a bit better IMO.
If Turtle Rock is unable to patch in an offline mode
Is this another Endgame situation?
That isn’t flying, that’s falling with style!
The yoke design also forces crossed arms a lot, which would be bad if the airbag deployed
It’s not THAT confusing most of the time? Keep the old game on, upload save data via old game, swap to new game and download save data. The part that trips everyone up is the idea that you have to keep the old game around. Integrade’s extra trick is keeping the old game around so that the new game can download it,…
For a second I thought there was some scandal where Ferrari let Gizmodo light an Enzo on fire in an official capacity for an iPhone review or something!
And yet again that’s why physical > digital!
...huh, I swear the reaching was something the first game did to let you know you could make a jump in a certain direction. I loved how the second game introduced mini handholds, and by 3 Nate would automatically grab on if you leant him in that direction and they were in reach!
Then you’d better be willing to take it off when someone asks you to!
That’s like saying you wearing yellow stars at the Berlin Wall isn’t political in any way. You can be political whether you intend to or not, and certain subjects and situations are just inherently political by their very nature.
Reminds me of how Naughty Dog’s old website had a section of their Jak and Daxter dev timeline about crunch like they were bragging about it, and even shared two stories, like how the 3D logo smash at the title screen was done for the demo in like four hours before they flew out for E3.
Insomniac Games did this with their forums years ago and it effectively shut me out of the community. Discord and Reddit are terrible substitutes for the normal forum structure and turns it into a giant popularity contest. Was a real shot in the kneecaps for the community IMO.
Yeah I can’t believe they didn’t fix that. Both X and Square do the same thing. Why can’t Square just be a dedicated Skip button???
I love how the new Mako controls still keep its ability to climb up 70 degree surfaces on its own. And now there’s a boost button too?! It’ll be unstoppable!
Yup, the VO is easily the best reason why. I don’t know why anyone can stand Male Shepard’s VO, it’s so flat and personality-less, and sometimes approaches The Room levels of bad.
Yup. Sadly it’d require additional VO for Mass Effect 3: it was dummied out of 2 and was never in 3.
Can relate; I’d pay $60 again for Legendary Edition if I could romance Tali as a female Shepard.