I can’t believe they have the gall to consider Super Mario RUN a mainline Mario game.
I can’t believe they have the gall to consider Super Mario RUN a mainline Mario game.
Young Aloy just doesn’t have many of the abilities adult Aloy does, namely the ability to climb stuff. That’s why the above gif shows her stuck at the cliff: you have to climb and talk to Rost to begin the first mission.
My guess is that Hascoët enforced the male trailer at the last minute with the dubstep music, and getting a female character in didn’t require too much touch-up work.
Looks like Formula E is taking the Gran Turismo route of extending the track count!
I can’t believe they’ve been toiling away five years on this specific DC license. I’m sick of these guys.
At this point we should assume that all cops are white supremacists.
This may sound like a redundant question given the subject of the article but, did they ever patch out most of this game’s glitches?
Agreed! Kinda Funny came up with this idea during review and Sucker Punch’s Nate Fox was like “That’s a good idea...”
Yup, I did pick up on that. Doing them first was great because I took on any Mongol party I spotted along the way, and freeing locals had them telling me about encampments on the second island! I love how the game rewards you for not using Fast Travel!
Outside of the Sashimono Banners they’re really no trouble at all; the Fox Dens, Bamboo Strikes, Pillars of Honour, Hailu and Hot Springs can at least double as fast travel points. I think what makes it feel managable in Tsushima is that they aren’t clustered together; the map is open and relaxing enough that it…
Not in my experience; it didn’t do that until I killed the final boss.
I actually find the game doesn’t have such bloat. It has a very limited amount of collectibles and things to find compared to most games of its ilk like Assassin’s Creed. About the only part about the map that sucks for me is filling in all of the fog of war.
I actually use this to get lossless screenshots. Switch’s screenshot button is fast, but the pictures are AWFUL and a pain to transfer off the system.
That’s called Feature Creep, which doesn’t magically turn it into a new game.
Finally out on a platform with a good, well-placed D-Pad!
This is incredibly cool, right up there with digging up the E.T. landfill!
I tend to play on the easier difficulty settings. Typically “Easier”, between Normal and Easiest. As Luke said, I’m here for the fun and adventure rather than for the challenge and having to re-buy broken peripherals, and for me it’s no fun to be stuck in the same damn room for four hours.