KB Garage

I can finally look at your comment and respectfully say, "om nom nom."

Pre-race dump. Problem solved.

Step one: break glass

This is not relevant.

...something something misspelled Florida...

Image courtesy of not me.

This would have been comical with Wert dragoning it all the way around.

Yeezus! Is this real?!

Not seeing the issue...

How are you "in the grey?" I've never seen you among the likes of us bottom feeders. Did you shit on Hardibro's desk? If so, please share the video.

COTD is pulled from comments posted to an article earlier in the day. In every. single. COTD. the jalop author posts a link to the original article so you understand the context. The image I posted shows two different links you can follow to figure out what the author is referring to.

Do you even COTD, bro?

Styling-wise, they looked at the Willys-Overland CJ-2A and CJ-3A from the forties...

Lady Gaga?!


Do you really anticipate people looking to spend $40-50 on a car will go for a hatch? You know, because America. I see the brand attracting enthusiasts, but whom else would spend that much on a hatch?