
Wisconsin fan. It didn’t help, so I am imagining you as Duke instead.

The other team never had the option to cheese past the choke with Sombra though, because they had to try and push as far as they could. In a situation where neither team is able to get to the first 33% checkpoint, Sombra’s team gets that additional option only because they defended first.

Yeah that’s the fundamental problem. It creates a situation where it’s pretty much always better to defend first, because it gives you the possibility of cheesing your way to victory as this Sombra did. 

Whether it’s legit or not isn’t really the question though: is it fun and/or actually engaging gameplay to have a system that allows that to happen?

The biggest winner tonight: Steve Harvey

Hmmm, interesting.

You know, I’ve found that whenever someone uses the ‘both sides do it’ line, it is only because they are acutely aware that their side does it worse.

This one?

As long as President Trump keeps leaving messes, yes, you will continue to see this kind of coverage.

So...an additional $400 investment into a minor upgrade for the PS4, which will run everything anyway, or $300 for an entirely new system.... Assuming you bought the PS4 near launch, that’s $800 spent on the PS4 on the console alone, discounting any $60 controllers or hard drive upgrades you may have done. Yup, sound


You mean during a sale? One of those things where the thing you bought was being sold under MSRP to drive units out of retailer shelves?

A PS4 Pro is $250? So is the Scorpio? That one isn’t even out yet, I had no idea!

The games aren’t region locked. You can just import the Japanese version.

SNES games refitted for online play?

Did I miss something or is it not still also coming out for Wii U?

It’s apparently done by the same team who did Bravely Default/Bravely Second :O

Yeah, but now you’re going to jail and missing the launch, which I won’t, so clearly my restraint shows way more hype.

I’m okay with that. I shouldn’t be, but I am.