
Cheers to the Cheeseman!

So…They made some awkward jokes, blindly stated that having an opposing opinion isn't a bad thing (which I'm sure they believe in theory), and then before actually getting into the nuts and bolts of any of the issues they feel so strongly about they ended the commercial.

You're right he's only been on 10 episodes of the CBB TV show and 6 on the podcast. I should've mentioned his supporting work on the 13 episodes of The Goode Family he did.

I'm calling it now. The Tingler is Comedy Bang Bang favorite Howard Kremer.

It's a lot easier to suspend disbelief with Hush than some of the character-arc-stretching You're Next does to provide twists. Hush is more straight forward and effective as a thriller whereas You're Next was more about fun and crazy - Kazootime Answering for OP

This is Richard Nixon's Dead Pool list!

You sound like every driver in MD. Don't worry, you'll fit right in. Just remember to never use your turn signal!

"I write to news outlets when they try to emulate Fox and complain.”
Welp, solved that problem! What's next? Climate Change?

2 that match up great (that I still do from time to time): The Yo Noid NES game with Mars Volta's Deloused in the Comatorium.
Yes, I still have a soundtrack to a Nintendo about a Domino's spokesman.

So basically this will be a good version of Starry Eyes?

….or if Fallon's just not good at making actually funny, spontaneous jokes during an interview when he can't rely on a Milton Bradley game to generate the laughs

Not sure if this is more samurai movie than kung fu, but the last half of 13 Assassins is pretty great. Also Kung Fu Killer

I love that one! With Morton Downey Jr., right?

This was a great list. Going down the line I was agreeing more and more. I have to mention my personal favorite that I watch every Halloween "The New Arrival" with Zelda Rubenstein as a therapist radio junkie who gets an arrogant British DJ/psychiatrist to make a house call and demonstrate his "Ignore It! Ignore It!

Think I might have this one:

If there's one positive thing that can be said about Lay's Cappucino chips, it's that the terrorist didn't win.