
Omg I didn't know there was a post credit scene! Now I have another excuse to watch the original

I loved the brief scene right at the end, when McKinley shows up at 9:30 instead of 9, that looked like it was filmed at the time of the original movie. Like a lot of people here, I found this to be less satisfying than FDOC, but seeing that was pretty satisfying.

If anything the criticism to be made is "Why is the ultra-competent woman not the main character of this story?" but even that is undercut by the fact that Link and Zelda are a duo, and one can't succeed without the other.

Got the Wii U version on Friday, and spent all my free time this weekend playing. I'm probably 10-12 hours in now? It's fantastic - some frame rate issues right when you enter villages (particularly at the Dueling Peaks Stable) and when there's lots of explosion/fire effects on screen, but it's rare enough and not

Started Steven Universe last week, watched Lion 3: Straight to Video last night. I was already hooked but now I know it's hopeless to resist.

and i was too excited to be pedantic. The AV Club.

Issues: Vivian and Lily are Chuck's Aunts.
A person dies if Ned doesn't re-kill the person he resurrected within a minute.

I really wish the House referred to above were an American remake of Hausu, but I can't imagine it would be possible to capture the perfect Japanese insanity of the original…

holy shit

The Game of Thrones blurb isn't totally accurate, I think.

Mario 64 is amazing!! I just played through it again a few weeks ago. I was blown away by how fun the early levels (which I last played in the 90s, probably) still are. What other games has she got in her N64 collection?

I agree, the trick system is a disaster. I remember when I was younger I found out how to trick the trick system in to thinking you had actually done other tricks (at least in training mode) in order to unlock the penguin board. I never managed to get the hang of how the tricks are supposed to work.

that's a sad end - no palm scar at all…

Yeah, I've somehow got all my original N64 stuff! (except for my lost copy of SSB, which I will always wonder about). My Wii just gave up the disc ghost, which is one of the reasons I've been playing way more N64.

That's been my only issue so far - the joystick loves turning right but left turns are not a thing. At least your cousin has a super-cool palm scar now?

The menu music is great - it effectively sets the tone for the rest of the game. I like the one-two punch of the title music (heavy/reverby guitars) and the menu music too - given the soundtrack's mix of dance/hip-hop and glam/grungy rock (which sounds like an oxymoron, but that's just how it sounds to me), it gives

I've been playing a lot of 1080 on my N64 recently. Beat a few of the records my 9-year-old self set back in the day. I've also been really impressed with the sense of speed Nintendo managed to convey; I've had some exhilarating moments playing through it again (even though using the word exhilarating in this context

What's next, NBC Peacocks Cock-Fighting?

Plus, it leaves open the question of who the real kid is.

J.K. Rowling. always and forever