
No Rise of the Triads?

@smcallah: How about this monstrosity. Had to attach bloody led sensors to the tv.

@KingHippo: I think of it as preparing us for disappointment.

Will we need to work a second job to be able to afford one?

Looks fascinating but a little too complicated for me.

No disassemble!

I remember when i used to play with my old Gameboy brick, (Still got it actually, in the box and everything) I think i was 9 or something at the time and my parents surprised me and my brother with a trip to Hong Kong! Naturally i brought my Gameboy along to keep me occupied. Now i remember in Hong Kong we went to

@Akio Morita: @MaximusDM: Or how about this guy?

Awesome, just had a look at the site.

Just make an app which gives me region free bluray please.

The wife bought me an xbox slim and my brother bought me brotherhood and hot pursuit plus some blurays.

Last time i checked there's no Gamestop or Bestbuy in Japan and i doubt Amazon japan will do the pre-order deals.