Correct. They were not immigrants, they were slaves. This is a pretty good and common definition for immigrant. This is from Webster, emphasis mine.
Correct. They were not immigrants, they were slaves. This is a pretty good and common definition for immigrant. This is from Webster, emphasis mine.
In the case of Freidman and Brooks, a small but but powerful group of rich people who want to be told comforting fairy tales about how they are the modern super heroes and meaningful political engagement isn’t really necessary to solve the world’s problems.
I think good op-ed writers can serve an important purpose. I also don’t think Nolan lumps in columnists with reporters at any point.
You’re assuming an awful lot. You don’t know shit about them other than they didn’t have the money in time. They could be working for minimum wage which doesn’t pay bills and they still have to have a roof over their head. But you’re going to make assumptions as to why she didn’t have 500 bucks put aside?
It’s amazing how quickly those who have gained citizenship seem to turn around and blossom into true Americans. “If I can do it the right way, why can’t you?!” I may not be an immigrant, but I’m not just some dumb liberal frothing at the mouth. Speaking as a woc from an impoverished upbringing, I know how difficult it…
Spoken like someone who’s never lived in abject poverty. When I was a single mom working three minimum-wage jobs AND trying to go to community college part time, the most I ever had at the end of the month was $20. And that wasn’t every month. So there’s no way I could have saved up $500 in two years. There are people…
I am Mexican and no, I have met lots of people who are undocumented, you just pay a fine if you get caught. The ones that are sometimes kept in “jail” are the ones that U.S.A. send to Mexico and are not Mexicans.
You have obviously haven’t had to pay for a college education. There is no grants or loans for non citizens. I’m a programmer who charges as much as $120 per hour for some things in my business and there is no way I could have paid for my 2 kids to go through college without some type of help. I was fortunate enough…
Give them time, the good fellas at Gestapo didn’t start shooting people on day one in the job...
$500 is a shitload of money for a lot of people. Maybe your blessed high schooler life allowed you to save up half a grand, but this is not true of everybody.
$500 is a lot of money if you’re making $7 or $10 an hour. That’s 50 or more hours of work
But I think it said she did pay the fine but it was still being processed. To go after her because she spoke publicly in the issues is just sad and totally insaine.
“You know who we are and you know why we’re here,” they said
There is no polite way to say this.
Even a high schooler... one that’s living with a parent covering room and board, or that’s supporting their parent’s room and board? Or is there no qualifier on that at all?
When I was in high school I couldn’t save up 500 dollars.
You’re telling me a kid who has spent the majority of their lives in America but was brought here at a young age should be forced to get a job before they turn 18 if they want to stay in this country? You see this as a reasonable requirement for DACA minors…
ICE did this to intimidate immigrants. They are Trump’s brownshirts.
While they likely are being punitive to teach her a lesson, they are correct in their legal analysis. She entered on the Visa Waiver Program, and if you enter that way you sign away your right to a hearing in immigration court if you overstay the period of authorized stay. It’s a really awful provision for people in…