
It seems that because we have flaws, there’s not a chance that we can be better.

lol what the hell is she even wearing on her face?

Putting all the other horrid stuff aside, if someone I knew struck their partner while they were HOLDING THEIR CHILD, they would be dead to me forever. Add in all the other stuff and the shunning should go into the afterlife.

As a vet myself this is something everyone needs to understand: sometimes American Soldiers die for no good reason. They die in accidents, in blue-on-blue attacks, from improper medical care, in stupid wars, in badly planned missions. It happens. “Soldiers have died” is not a reason to keep fighting in and of itself.

And Winona Ryder spent an entire decade relegated to b list supporting roles...for shop lifting.

The tapes are the thing that really get to me; he wishes actual rape and death on his ex-girlfriend. He’s frightening because the anger is so palpable, it’s almost a physical presence.

Asking a genuine question: do you think he should be shunned forever?

If you’re only racist when you drink, you’re still racist.

Trotting out the military as props is like Politics 101. Their families are inherently sympathetic, and Soldiers get virtually no say in what they are told to do (if someone tells them to go stand next to the President and have him pin on an award, thats what they do). Plus politicians can funnel all sorts of money

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

I refused to watch the speech, because obviously, but when I saw the headlines on NY1 this morning with the “press” pivoting to say he was “Presidential” and didn’t pee on any of the carpets, my reaction was, ‘here we go...’

Ah, the hypocrisy is thick. Remember when he went after the Khan family and accused HRC of using them as a political prop? Fun times, man. Fun times.

Chris Cilizza is consistently and dangerously moronic. But “Donald Trump understood the applause for Carryn Owens was a moment. And he let it be.” is simply wrong.

So how long until the draft comes back?

The problem with this analysis (or acceptance of this analysis as compartmentalizing policy vs. “approach”) is that 70 year old men aren’t known to be big on self-reflection, emotional growth, and intellectual growth, especially when they very specifically have shown themselves over the course of the prior 24 months

You’re moron. Mussolini made the trains run on time. So what? If you think Trump was politically “effective” because he delivered a pro forma “chicken in every pot” speech, with racist memes, you’re a double moron.

Nobody is ‘confusing’ you. You’re already confused. You’ve adopted the low bar of punditry, the idea that what matters in politics is the theater and the game, but not the policies or their effects. As the old saying goes, there is no one more dangerous in politics than the articulate idiot. Except, evidently, the

No, fuck all that. An Indian immigrant was MURDERED in Kansas just a few days ago by a white supremacist who was motivated by the type of anti-immigrant sentiment that Donald Trump has promoted and mainstreamed further than any other politician in recent memory. And what does he do? Basically completely dismisses the

I did not miss the part where he mentioned something vague about the environment on the same day he rescinded a clean water initiative of Obama’s. He’s an ignorant and vulgar twat.

Did you miss the part where he shifted the blame of the botched Navy SEAL operation to the generals and Obama? This man is a fucking disgrace and a coward. No one should respect this man. What a piece of shit.