
Honestly? I think she personally hadn’t changed at all. The only reason she started caring is because she had to after Diana’s death. Hiring spin doctors and pollsters? Since when has any Royal Family ever given a shit about the commoners’ opinions? Deep down, she’s as old fashioned as she always was, and if she had

“Do you seriously expect me to be the first Prince of Wales in history not to have a mistress?” - Charles, 1994

Thank you. Glad somebody else said it so I wouldn’t have to.

If people keep calling you a racist and/or sexist on the internet, maybe you’re the one with the problem? I’m a sheltered white lady in North Dakota, and I’ve managed to hang out in black spaces on the internet for years without ever being called a racist. Maybe because I’m not an asshole, and I’m willing to

You’re in denial. If you “weaponize white people” in a white supremacist society, it will not help create a more just society for POC. That’s not how this works! Any white person who still requires convincing at these stage should be left to their own devices.

To people of color:

I think the point of the article is that the nation didn’t fail the test of character. It behaved in a manner that people of color always expected. Given an opportunity to do the right thing, the nation doesn’t and usually has to be dragged and beaten until it does. Faced with two main choices; a lot of people just

HRC had little in common with Black women and in fact black women generally are not fans of hers. You know what those black women did that their white women peers didn’t do? They voted for the best interest of the country, of POC, of WOMEN as a whole, to the tune of 96%. That is what black women did. White women on

The white women’s suffrage movement was is rife with racism for a long time.

“Not just a bunch of noise”.. omg. That’s what non white women protesters, civil rights activists, black women who face down police (with no help from white women, I might add) are to you? Thanks for showing yourself...

There are plenty of white liberals who need to 1) acknowledge the issues that uniquely face people of color and 2) come to understand that they must be prioritized. Voting D doesn’t give you some sort of pass on racism.

See also:

The women’s suffrage movement was rife with racism for a long time.

That’d be the bitch of it: we (insulated classes/races) have to experience it before we recognize that it exists, and that “experience” is often in lesser proportion to far greater, daily experiences that others suffer.

The problem with that last line is that most white women are Republicans, and the strongest indicator of how someone will vote is party identification. Super-long passage here, but worth the read:

Well, must be nice.

So at a meeting the other week, an older white woman told me that the Woman’s March was the first time she ever participated in a political event. I just blankly “Must be nice.”

Learning is against their religion.

You can understand the concept of it, but unless you experience it, you don’t really “get” it.

But...but...economic anxieties...reaching out to real rural America...true progressives...her emails!