
Exactly Sage is on record denouncing that she is black but instead black and white (which is her prerogative ) to the point of refusing to check black on forms !!. and is constantly bringing up her biracial and marriage status even when it is not germane to the discussion .

I think the next logical step in this peaceful, healthy debate / exchange is for capitalists to live in / be embedded in a laissez-faire capitalist country for 6 months. Sans any of the social democratic benefits they’ve expressed concerns about.

oh my word, the federalist wrote something negative about scandanavia! i’m shocked, shocked i tell you. my world view is shaken to its very core.

As a German, I’m glad that Hitler, just like Trump, also believed he knew more than the generals. That shortened the war significantly and saved millions of lives.

Well, since we know he can’t read....

You didn’t answer the obvious question:

It must pain her every day having to look in the mirror and see black skin. Here she is trying to live her best white life and fuck if she doesn’t have to be reminded of her black daddy. And so unrequested and unprompted she delivers her screeds of blacks being un-American and the true racists.

At the end of the day we all see ourselves as an individual. In America I’m labeled black because of my skin color. Its interesting that Ms Steele complains about white people thinking she is the nanny when they see her with her kids but it doesn’t bother her as much as black people who call her out for what she is.

She does have a viewpoint but it’s narrow. If she is gonna state she never had racism as bad as from black people than whites that does not mean shit. She most likely the token pretty black/biracial person who wasn’t like the “ other “ blacks. Her saying that is like a hot the blonde with the big chest saying “guys

She lost me with her comments on white feminism. It’s not just power, it’s the power and cluelessness that whiteness affords.

There was a time when I would try to understand someone’s point of view no matter what. You know, extend an olive branch, remind someone of the struggle of others. Fill in the holes of misunderstanding.

The Nazi movement was actually an anti-communist/anti-socialist movement. The only reason “social” was in the name was to attract “workers”. Although in this case, it was more “former” workers - like the coal-mine workers in West Virginia - people who had suffered badly after the great war. It was a nationalist,

Where in the name of the infinite universe did you ever come up with Hitler being a leftist? He executed communists with nearly the same vigor he persecuted the Jewish people.

Hitler was elected. Once elected he engineered a propaganda machine that got a large number of people behind him (or at least not against him). He destroyed pillars of support for minority groups, alienated judiciaries, eliminated opposition such as media and even political parties... He made it so that his

No. No it isn’t.

The two most obvious signs of a weak mind are a lack of emotional control and being uncomfortable with silence.

Yeah, I read about Bush being a not exactly bright, but a really personable guy. His nicknames for staffers and appointees were obnoxious, but he at least acknowledged them.

I read that article about all the terrorists attacks trump hadn’t tweeted about, and I couldn’t believe it was just last week that his Administration had published that asinine list. It felt like months ago.

Usually the president ages like crazy once in office. I think this time the American public will be the ones aging like crazy.

Not only that, but I don’t even particularly want dolts to be in my general vicinity when I’m having a beer. Don’t need to be surrounded by PhDs, but loud, obnoxious, pushy, gropey, bullshitting dolts tend to bring down whatever room they’re in.