Jeez, reading through your comment history is like reading through an atrocious self-help book that spends its entire time being condescending to the reader, with no substance to back it up.
Like you said, you’re not American.
Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?
Lincoln is an important figure in American history, duh, of course. That does not absolve him of being a deeply flawed character (which, duh of course) and that certainly should not hide the fact that he did not actually abolish all forms of slavery in the US. The proclamation did not include slaves from Delaware and…
Look, we’re talking about black history, so go blow regular American history out your ass, as you pretend we’re having the same conversation.
Lincoln freed the slaves to take away the economic power the South had. He was a straight up white supremacist. History can keep him.
Important? Unquestionably. But he wasn’t the black savior he’s often made out to be. The Emancipation Proclamation was a tactical decision to provide the North with a built in resistance movement behind enemy lines. The Emancipation didn’t even apply to all Northern states.
I think the issue lies on whether he cared about freeing slaves because he felt for them or not. I read somewhere (lost the source, sorry) that he did it to send them back home and not because he cared.
That doesn’t have shit to do with her comment.
news flash Abraham Lincoln freed black people.
“Walt Disney”? Isn’t it known he was sexist, anti-semitic and racist? “The school is privately owned” - and now it becomes evident why DeVos will be a disaster. Private schools can do whatever they want, with little oversight, just like our system has been rigged so private companies can fire you for any reason they…
are we just finally realizing that Trump wanted presidency for his own profit? That’s it. ohh and for Ratings that are very low now, SAD!!!
I guess that makes Ivanka a special little snowflake who needs a safe space. And screw Nordstrom for not selling clothes made by a “great person”! -_-
Everyone in America has to worship with the Cult of Reagan. It’s insane. He was an objectively terrible and mentally incompetent president, and yet even Democrats HAVE to genuflect every single time they mention his name. It’s just one more example of the way we’ve ceded reality to the Republicans. They say Reagan was…
I’ve always found ridiculous and hypocritical that Republicans consider themselves to be the most patriotic yet hold someone who basically committed treason and violated the law of the land to be the best president of this lifetime.
I’m not the first to put this theory forwad, but my Aussie friend told me the consensus in Australia is that Trump wasn’t paying attention for the briefing prior to his call with Turnbull, so when an aide handed him the phone and said, “here’s PM Turnbull of the Australian Liberal Party” Trump just assumed Turnbull…
“I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.”
What a strange and wholly unconnected set of events!