HIPA would apply, but it may take YEARS for that court challenge to see itself out.
HIPA would apply, but it may take YEARS for that court challenge to see itself out.
Counterpoint: move.
When the FUCK did patient privacy regarding fucking MEDICAL PROCEDURES go out the window? I always told my Mom, who always felt like father’s get less rights in the whole pregnancy thing. I told her regulating that, a woman’s own body, would be opening Pandora’s box.
This would not fly because of hipa.
Just from a purely practical perspective, how even in the fuck would these so called family members even know you were having an abortion? It’s totally possible to conceal a pregnancy into the second trimester, which I imagine you might well do if you suspected you were related to psychos who would sue you, so…
As somebody who had to terminate around 20 weeks due to fetal abnormalities inconsistent with life, FUCK YOU, ARKANSAS.
The race to the bottom continues. Come move to the west coast everyone. It’s great, we have weed and tacos.
What the hell? This man can start a fascism club at an elite private school and make it to the Supreme Court but black folks couldn’t even express an interest in other forms of government without being branded communist or anti-American and locked up?
This might be a good time to recall something of which many of us are ignorant in our own history. It is estimated that 10 to 30% of Africans forced to our shores as slaves were of Muslim descent: many of them spoke and wrote in Arabic; some of them Hafidhs who had memorised the entire Qu’ran and could recite it in…
To expand upon what you accurately stated, the first time I saw this addressed today was with Howard Dean, former Vermont governor, when he was a guest on MSNBC this afternoon. The first thing out of his mouth was that it’s taken Donald Trump a little over a week to accomplish what took Richard Nixon 5 years to do and…
This is the type of clientelism and arbitrariness is what is typical of broken states. It is the breeding ground for corruption (because, just depending on which airport you are not equal before the law) and to victimize entire peoples (none of my relatives want to take the planes now because they’re afraid of coming…
DHS/TSA have serious issues understanding the concept of “in transit” anyway.
Great news, although the caveats, but...
I can not believe this. Utter and complete chaos. Congress needs to deal with Trump and they need to do it now. Time for another march on Washington. They stay in the capitol until the situation is rectified. Period. Bar the doors.
I donated to a charity a friend works with a few months ago, and at the end of the checkout process it had a box to share your donation on Facebook, I didn’t do it because I felt silly going “look at me, I’m such a fucking awesome guy”. Then I realized the reason to tell the world is to spread the word and get more…
An anonymous posting on an Internet site read by a very small percentage of the global population — oh, yeah, DerbyDuck is a regular Oprah!
When Jezebel (and Affiliates) equal the Whole World, I’ll feel ashamed of myself for openly supporting a worthwhile cause.
What the ever loving fuck. There’s been a lot of insanity in the last week, but he’s now outright snubbing the military alongside the intelligence community. I think he’s forgotten that as far as most officers are concerned, their oath of duty is to the Constitution first, not the whims of the President.
If I could be any superhero, I’d be an ACLU lawyer.
Unfortunately, they’re still letting in people from the Confederate States.