
It’s worse than retarded. It bans legal residents (i.e. Green Card holders) of the US from returning to the US - which is there legal right as a “legal resident” - and retroactively criminalizes their leaving the country before the bullshit executive order was signed.

Rich white people don’t take taxis. The limo drivers need to protest too.

Always remember that people like this guy exist too:

1. Why only an hour? Why not go for 24 hours at least? One hour strike is not gonna do shit.

If you actually read the strike call, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance actually asked Uber drivers to participate.

Also, there are Uber drivers in NYC who are members of the Taxi Workers Alliance - it’s open to all taxi and livery drivers, not just the yellow cab drivers.

...I was disappointed to see Theresa May, our unelected Prime Minister refuse to condemn this policy...

Canadian airlines are pro-actively helping those affected by this to change flights, destinations, etc, at no extra cost to the passenger. Nicely done

Yeah, remember how they said Force Awakens was “retreading old material?” Look who’s laughing now.

I said it on Jez, but I hope she lives her life in so much color that the right kind of people get uncomfortable and jealous. Your daddy and your momma obviously didn’t raise no fool.

All of this is a load of flaming horseshit. All of these muslim majority country’s citizens banned except for Saudi Arabia. You know, that country that still doesn’t allow women to drive and continually uses slave labor to build big useless skycrapers that stay 90% empty most of the time? That country that 15 of it’s

Somewhat unamusingly, an edict came down from our airline management via email about this. They were going to start holding the flight crews accountable for anyone who got on board who was turned away from the USA (it costs the airline an enormous amount of money when this happens.)

Uber drivers aren’t allowed to pickup at JFK. Big fine if they do

Dude, stop. Comparing Lex Luthor to Donald Trump is completely inappropriate.

the next person from the midwest who tries to bring up 9/11 to justify this to me is getting hit with a ClueX4.

Not surprising taxi workers are protesting this, I imagine they have lots of representation from the list of countries on the EO. Good on them.

If I squint hard enough I can almost see the justification for this...then I remember none of the countries that the 9/11 hijackers were from are part of the ban. And Dear

Thanks Malia, and all others who protested against the Dakota Access Pipeline

I have never been a fan of Al but his smack down of Billy Bush redeemed him forever and ever for me — and that was before the “grab ‘em” tape emerged.

I will probably grow tired of saying this:

The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his piety and kindness, St. Nicholas became the subject of many legends.