
Labels only matter if language has significant power to change our lived experience. If labels don’t change our lived experience, why bother? If labels DO change our lived experience, then they are indeed powerful and each label change has a genuine effect on individual lives and whole cultures. So it follows that

Out of curiosity, do you have the same objection to TV shows that have primarily white casts/characters? I.e., do you also find that shows like “ Nashville” or “ Burger Bob” or “ Game of Thrones” lack diversity?

I do not wear or approve of “clam diggers.” Ugh. I do, however, advocate for pedal pushers ( See Mary Tyler Moore circa the Dick Van Dyke Show. Would MTM have looked more attractive in full-length pants? Ha!)

Yes, please! As a culture, I believe we are finally ready for an all female remake of The Godfather. If a woman can (almost) be president, a woman can surely run a ruthless big-city business/family hybrid clan.