
can i get the name of this book?


As someone who had ringside seats to Monday night's raw I'm read to go raise hell at Smackdown on Thursday. That redditor deserves all the gold.

I've decided that I will be single forever before I return to online dating because of this exact type of thing.

Ohhhh mannn. I need this job. Seriously. Seth Rogen, give the little people a chance c'mon.

this is ugly betty:

I've been an Emergency Room employee for 6 years now. Rotating holidays. Sucks, but you get used to it. However, we get paid time and half and that makes it worth it usually. I can't imagine getting paid shit to monitor a bunch of crazy people go shopping when a lot of us would much rather be home with our families.

When did it even become ok to take a baby to a bar? I've never seen a baby over 21. Actually, that's almost a lie if you count my ex, but still. People are going nuts about restaurants that you can't bring kids to, how is taking a baby to a bar even remotely accepted anywhere?