Guess I am an a-hole then. I won’t get one. Humans make errors. I don’t want someone injecting me with something that could be an error. I don’t care how safe it is.
Guess I am an a-hole then. I won’t get one. Humans make errors. I don’t want someone injecting me with something that could be an error. I don’t care how safe it is.
I literally dont get sick. I work with adults. I wash my hands. I get enough sleep. I eat my spinach. I have no reason to touch children or old people. The flu is not herpes. If you have the flu, you are well aware of it. If you have the flu, yes, you should be in total isolation.
Counterpoint: Elderly people are a drag on society. Allowing them to die of influenza is not only a good thing, it’s the only ethical choice. You’re a finance writer, on average how much does each additional year of Medicare eligibility cost the American taxpayers? All so they can sit in a hospital bed in Florida at…
Sorry, but I’m not going to get a flu shot even if you shame me.
Let that sink in.
Personally, I got one twice and came down with the flu both times. I don’t get the shot now, and I have been fine without it. Besides, I have two kids in public school and am being vaccinated all the time by the little dirt weasels.
Getting a flu shot significantly lowers your risk of dying, or passing it on to someone who will die.
My genuine concern about the flu shot is that there is some evidence that the efficacy of the shot is reduced with every one that you get. There’s part of me that would rather wait on getting the flu shot until someone in my very near environment is at a high risk if they contracted it. I think that the conversation…
Do you not believe that this is an article?
So you are saying that I should get a flu shot so that I dont cause people to die? So basically its so I dont became an indirect murder and be a good person? So it is about me after all, for a second I thought there was a more important person than me out there.
then please, think of the children and the elderly.
Dear Alicia,
Big Flu Shot is at it again. Follow the money! They’re all in on it!
Why should I listen to you if you’re gonna call people assholes right from the start. That’s the exact wrong way to get someone on your side.
So, we don’t like what you say so we’re going to shut you up. That about sums up the left. So, here is my response, I just recieved this in an email...
Trying to censor their freedom of speech, to air whatever their channel carries. I haven’t heard anyone accuse them of hate speech like a white supremacist, haven’t heard anyone claiming they advocate anything close to hate speech. All I’m hearing is “we don’t like guns, you have no right to air your channel. Period”…
1st amendment, bitches!!1!
Nope. I despise the NRA and all that it has come to stand for but this will accomplish nothing but setting a dangerous precedent. For decades conservatives and evangelicals used phrases like “family friendly content” and “community standards” to pressure private companies away from hosting or distributing queer-themed…
Are you real? What you’re telling people to do here is no less than someone else crying that you need to be removed from the Kinja platform. Just like you have a right to express your opinions and the freedom provided by the constitution to do so, they are no less entitled to that same protection. If you don’t like…
Not like I’m in the market but yea, that caused me to pause for a moment.